TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.13.4 • Public • Published


This package is a set of reusable components for building web applications for Altinn 3. This is not a general purpose library, but a library of components that are specifically designed for the Altinn platform, to ensure a consistent look and feel across all applications. It also contains a storybook with stories explaining the purpose and usage of each component, and with real examples of how to use them separately or together (composition).


To install the package, run the following command:

# for npm users
npm install @altinn/components
# for yarn users
yarn add @altinn/components 
# for pnpm users
pnpm add @altinn/components

Tested with Node.js 20.x <


React >=18in your project as a peer dependency. And react-dom if needed.


Wrap your application in RootProvider to enable shared context across all components. Here’s a basic setup:

import { RootProvider } from '@altinn/components';

function App() {
  return (
      { /* Your application here */ }

To use the components in your application, you need to import the components you want to use from the package. For example:

// example: import the Avatar component and type
import { Avatar, type AvatarVariant } from '@altinn/components';

and import the css file in your application once, e.g. in your css:

import '@altinn/altinn-components/lib/css/global.css';

for correct font-family and minimal collection of resets.


The documentation for the components can be found in the Storybook
Components are decorated with tags to show the current status of the component.

The tags are:

  • @outdated - The component is out of sync with latest design.
  • @beta - The component is in beta and is more likely to have flaws or missing features.
  • @experimental - The component is experimental and is work in progress. Recommended not to use.
  • @deprecated - The component is deprecated and should not be used.

The main motivation behind having tags is relieving the pressure of having to make everything stable before releasing it for use. It also allows us to get feedback on the components in an early stage.




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  • altinnadmin
  • bjorndl
  • jon.kjetil.oye
  • digdir_ivar
  • sscullly