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1.1.4 • Public • Published

A customizable circular progress bar for React.




npm install @alptugidin/react-circular-progress-bar


yarn add @alptugidin/react-circular-progress-bar


import {Flat, Heat, Nested} from '@alptugidin/react-circular-progress-bar'



   range={{ from: 0, to: 100 }}
   sign={{ value: '%', position: 'end' }}
     strokeColor: '#ff0000',
     barWidth: 5, 
     bgStrokeColor: '#ffffff',
     bgColor: { value: '#000000', transparency: '20' },  
     shape: 'full',
     strokeLinecap: 'round',
     valueSize: 13,
     valueWeight: 'bold',
     valueColor: '#000000',
     valueFamily: 'Trebuchet MS',
     textSize: 13,
     textWeight: 'bold',
     textColor: '#000000',
     textFamily: 'Trebuchet MS',
     loadingTime: 1000,
     miniCircleColor: '#ff0000',
     miniCircleSize: 5,
     valueAnimation: true,
     intersectionEnabled: true


Prop name Type Required Description
progress number Yes The progress value of the progress bar, ranging from 0 to 100.
range object No An object containing the from and to values for the progress bar. The default value is { from: 0, to: 100 }.
sign object No An object containing the value and position for the sign displayed in the progress bar. The value can be a string, and the position can be either 'start' or 'end'. The default value is { value: '%', position: 'end' }.
text string No The text displayed above the progress bar.
showMiniCircle boolean No A flag indicating whether to show a mini circle at the end of the progress bar. The default value is true.
showValue boolean No A flag indicating whether to show the progress value in the progress bar. The default value is true.
sx object No An object containing CSS styles for customizing the appearance of the progress bar.


Property Type Description
barWidth number The width of the progress bar.
strokeColor string The color of the active progress bar.
bgStrokeColor string The color of the background progress bar.
bgColor object The color of the background progress bar. It has two properties: value: hex color and transparency: number between 00-99 (as string)
shape string The shape of the progress bar. Can be 'full', 'half' or 'threequarters'.
strokeLinecap string The line cap style of the progress bar. Can be 'butt', 'round', or 'square'.
valueSize number The font size of the progress value.
valueWeight string The font weight of the progress value.
valueColor string The color of the progress value.
valueFamily string The font family of the progress value.
textSize number The font size of the text above the progress bar.
textWeight string The font weight of the text above the progress bar.
textColor string The color of the text above the progress bar.
textFamily string The font family of the text above the progress bar.
loadingTime number The time it takes for the progress bar to animate from 0 to the specified progress value.
miniCircleColor string The color of the mini circle at the end of the progress bar.
miniCircleSize number The size of the mini circle at the end of the progress bar.
valueAnimation boolean A flag indicating whether to animate the progress value.
intersectionEnabled boolean A flag indicating whether to use an intersection observer to only start loading the progress bar when it becomes visible on the screen. The default value is true.


  range ={{ from: 0, to: 100 }}
  sign={{ value: '%', position: 'end' }}
    barWidth: 5,
    bgColor: '#dadada',
    shape: 'half',
    valueSize: 13,
    textSize: 13,
    valueFamily: 'Trebuchet MS',
    textFamily: 'Trebuchet MS',
    valueWeight: 'normal',
    textWeight: 'normal',
    textColor: '#000000',
    valueColor: '#000000',
    loadingTime: 1000,
    strokeLinecap: 'round',
    valueAnimation: true,
    intersectionEnabled: true


Prop Type Description
progress number The progress value of the progress bar, ranging from 0 to 100.
range object An object containing the from and to values for the progress bar. The default value is { from: 0, to: 100 }.
sign object An object containing the value and position for the sign displayed in the progress bar. The value can be a string, and the position can be either 'start' or 'end'. The default value is { value: '%', position: 'end' }.
showValue boolean A flag indicating whether to show the progress value in the progress bar. The default value is true.
revertBackground boolean A flag indicating whether to invert the colors of the progress bar. If true, the background color will start as red and gradually turn green as the progress value increases. The default value is false.
text string The text displayed above the progress bar.
sx object An object containing CSS styles for customizing the appearance of the progress bar.


Property Type Description
barWidth number The width of the progress bar.
bgColor string The background color of the progress bar.
shape string The shape of the progress bar. Can be 'full' or 'half'.
valueSize number The font size of the progress value.
textSize number The font size of the text above the progress bar.
valueFamily string The font family of the progress value.
textFamily string The font family of the text above the progress bar.
valueWeight string The font weight of the progress value.
textWeight string The font weight of the text above the progress bar.
textColor string The color of the text above the progress bar.
valueColor string The color of the progress value.
loadingTime number The time it takes for the progress bar to animate from 0 to the specified progress value.
strokeLinecap string The line cap style of the progress bar. Can be 'butt', 'round', or 'square'.
valueAnimation boolean A flag indicating whether to animate the progress value.
intersectionEnabled boolean A flag indicating whether to use an intersection observer to only start loading the progress bar when it becomes visible on the screen. The default value is true.


    {text: 'Javascript', value: 20, color: '#fde047'},
    {text: 'Typescript' ,value: 50, color: '#0ea5e9'},
    {text: 'HTML', value: 8, color: '#c2410c'},
    {text: 'CSS', value: 12, color: '#7c3aed'},
    {text: 'SASS', value: 10, color: '#c026d3'}
    bgColor: '#cbd5e1',
    fontWeight: 'bold',
    fontFamily: 'Trebuchet MS',
    strokeLinecap: 'round',
    loadingTime: 1000,
    valueAnimation: true,
    intersectionEnabled: true


Prop Type Description
circles array An array of objects containing the properties for each circle in the nested progress bar. Each object should have a text string, a value number, and a color string. Must have at least two circles. Can be up to 5.
sx object An object containing CSS styles for customizing the appearance of the nested progress bar.


Property Type Description
bgColor string The background color of the nested progress bar.
fontWeight string The font weight of the text in the nested progress bar.
fontFamily string The font family of the text in the nested progress bar.
strokeLinecap string The line cap style of the circles in the nested progress bar. Can be 'butt', 'round', or 'square'.
loadingTime number The time it takes for the circles in the nested progress bar to animate from 0 to their specified values.
valueAnimation boolean A flag indicating whether to animate the values in the circles of the nested progress bar.
intersectionEnabled boolean A flag indicating whether to use an intersection observer to only start loading the nested progress bar when it becomes visible on the screen. The default value is true.


MIT Alptuğ İdin

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  • alptugidin