
1.0.1 • Public • Published

🍪 Galletita

Extra simple privacy policy solution.
Can be used as either a plugin or a vueJS library.


Plugin version

1. Add script to web page

<script id="galletita-js" type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@allomambo/galletita@1.0.1/dist/index.js"></script>

2. Define your configuration

const galletita = {
    cookie_name: "privacy_policy_consent",
    text_content: {
        title: "...",
        description: "...",
        consent_button_label: "...",
        reject_button_label: "...",
        learn_more_button_label: "...",
    privacy_policy_url: "https://...",
# Multilingual
const galletita = {
    cookie_name: "privacy_policy_consent",
    fr: {
        text_content: {
            title: "...",
            description: "...",
            consent_button_label: "...",
            reject_button_label: "...",
            learn_more_button_label: "...",
        privacy_policy_url: "https://...",
    en: {
        text_content: {
            title: "...",
            description: "...",
            consent_button_label: "...",
            reject_button_label: "...",
            learn_more_button_label: "...",
        privacy_policy_url: "https://...",

VueJS library version


  • Node ^20.8.10
  • VueJS ^3.3.4


1. Install the package

# With Yarn:
yarn add @allomambo/galletita

# With npm:
npm install @allomambo/galletita

2. Use the component in your project

    <galletita :cookie-name="..." :text-content="{...}" :privacy-policy-url="..." />

<script setup>
import { Galletita } from "@allomambo/galletita";


Property Type Description Default Value
cookie_name string The name of the cookie. galletita_privacy_policy_consent
text_content GalletitaTranslations Contains the textual elements See table below
privacy_policy_url string The complete URL of the privacy policy. Ex. "https://example.com/privacy-policy" null
Sub-properties Type Description Default Value (English EN) Default Value (Français FR)
title string The title of the privacy policy. We value your privacy Nous respectons votre vie privée
description string The description of the privacy policy. <p>We use cookies to enhance your browsing experience, serve personalized ads or content, and analyze our traffic.</p><p>By clicking "Accept", you consent to our use of cookies.</p> <p>Nous utilisons des cookies pour améliorer votre expérience de navigation, diffuser des publicités ou des contenus personnalisés et analyser notre trafic.</p><p>En cliquant sur « Accepter », vous consentez à notre utilisation des cookies.</p>
consent_button_label string The label of the consent button. Accept Accepter
reject_button_label string The label of the reject button. Reject Refuser
learn_more_button_label string The button label to learn more about the privacy policy. Learn more En savoir plus


Name Description
default Wrap the entirety of .galletita-box
copy The text content (title and description)
copyTitle The title
copyDescription The description
actions The buttons to consent, reject and learn more
actionConsent The consent button
actionReject The reject button
actionLearnMore The "learn more" button
Exposed data on every slots
Name Type Description
isGalletitaVisible boolean If modal is visible of not
cookieName string The name of the cookie
textContent GalletitaTranslations The complete object containing the text content (title, description and button labels)
privacyPolicyUrl string The privacy policy url
openGalletita function Open modal
closeGalletita function Close modal
consent function Add cookie with positive consent and trigger closeGalletita
reject function Add cookie with negative consent and trigger closeGalletita


Name Description
galletita:open When modal is opened
galletita:close When modal is closed
galletita:consent When consent button is clicked
galletita:reject When reject button is clicked

Package Sidebar


npm i @allomambo/galletita

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  • aurelvigne
  • jesuismaxime
  • belleymambo