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Alley Block Editor Tools

README standard

This package contains a set of modules used by Alley to aid in building features for the WordPress block editor.


Install this package in your project:

npm install @alleyinteractive/block-editor-tools --save


To use modules from this package, import them into your files using the import declaration.


import { usePostMeta } from '@alleyinteractive/block-editor-tools';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const [meta, setMeta] = usePostMeta();
  const { my_meta_key: myMetaKey } = meta;

  return (
      label={__('My Meta Key', 'alley-scripts')}
      onChange={(newValue) => setMeta({ ...meta, my_meta_key: newValue })}

Below is the documentation for all available components, hooks, and services.


React components that can be used within the WordPress block editor.


Allows a user to select or remove audio using the media modal or via direct URL entry. This component is a thin wrapper around MediaPicker and sets the allowed types for the MediaPicker to audio as well as provides a custom preview component that embeds the selected audio in the editor.

For more information on how to use this component, see MediaPicker.


  onReset={() => setAttributes({ audioId: 0 })}
  onUpdate={({ id }) => setAttributes({ audioId: id })}


Prop Default Required Type Description
className '' No string Class name for the media picker container.
onReset Yes function Function to reset the audio ID to 0 and/or the audio URL to an empty string.
onUpdate Yes function Function to set the audio ID on audio selection/upload.
onUpdateURL null No function Function to set the audio URL on entry. If not set, the button to enter a URL manually will not display.
value Yes integer The ID of the selected audio. 0 represents no selection.
valueURL '' No string The URL of the audio. An empty string represents no selection.


Provides a UI component that uses the Checkbox component to render the equivalent of a multi-select without needing to use the SelectControl component.


  label={__('Setting', 'alley-scripts')}
  onChange={(newValue) => setAttributes({ setting: newValue })}
    { value: 'option-1', label: __('Option 1', 'alley-scripts') },
    { value: 'option-2', label: __('Option 2', 'alley-scripts') },


Prop Default Required Type Description
label Yes string The label for the component.
value Yes array The current value as an array of strings.
options Yes array Available options to choose from with a structure of { value: '', label: '' }.
onChange Yes function Function called with the selected options after the user makes an update.


Allows a user to upload a CSV file, which is parsed in the browser, converted to a JSON structure, passed through a user specified callback function for further transformation, and saved to block attributes. This component is intended to be used to save the resulting JSON data to postmeta, but that is controlled in the parent block scope.


Render a CSV upload component with a callback to further process the JSON data.


Callback Function

The callback function is optional, and allows for further processing of the data returned by the parser.

The callback function accepts an array of objects as its only parameter. Each object will be a description of one row in the CSV, with keys matching the headers in the file.

Given a CSV file in the following format:

Sample Title,sample-title,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

The array of objects passed to the callback function will take the following form:

    title: 'Sample Title',
    slug: 'sample-title',
    description: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.',

Under the hood, the CSV parser uses PapaParse and attempts to make intelligent choices about data formats based on data in each column. Columns of integers should come through as integers, for example.


Allows a user to select or remove an image using the media modal or via direct URL entry. This component is a thin wrapper around MediaPicker and sets the allowed types for the MediaPicker to image as well as provides a custom preview component that embeds the selected image in the editor.

For more information on how to use this component, see MediaPicker.


  onReset={() => setAttributes({ imageId: 0 })}
  onUpdate={({ id }) => setAttributes({ imageId: id })}


Prop Default Required Type Description
className '' No string Class name for the media picker container.
imageSize 'thumbnail' No string The size to display in the preview.
displayControlsInToolbar false No boolean Determines if controls should render in the block toolbar.
onReset Yes function Function to reset the image ID to 0 and/or the image URL to an empty string.
onUpdate Yes function Function to set the image ID on image selection/upload.
onUpdateURL null No function Function to set the image URL on entry. If not set, the button to enter a URL manually will not display.
value Yes integer The ID of the selected image. 0 represents no selection.
valueURL '' No string The URL of the image. An empty string represents no selection.


Allows for a simple media upload/replace/remove feature for media for blocks.


  onReset={() => setAttributes({ mediaId: 0 })}
  onUpdate={({ id }) => setAttributes({ mediaId: id })}

The value of mediaId is the ID of the media element, and is destructured from props.attributes.

There are additional options for the MediaPicker that can be configured via the props listed below. For example, the MediaPicker also supports URL entry as well as custom preview components, which is useful when you want to render an image or an embed instead of just a text link to the selected asset.


Prop Default Required Type Description
allowedTypes [] No array Array with the types of the media to upload/select from the media library. Defaults to empty array (all types).
className '' No string Class name for the media picker container.
icon 'format-aside' No string The name of the Dashicon to use next to the title when no selection has been made yet.
imageSize 'thumbnail' No string If the selected item is an image, the size to display in the preview.
displayControlsInToolbar false No boolean Determines if controls should render in the block toolbar.
onReset Yes function Function to reset the attachment ID to 0 and/or the attachment URL to an empty string.
onUpdate Yes function Function to set the attachment ID on attachment selection/upload.
onUpdateURL null No function Function to set the attachment URL on entry. If not set, the button to enter a URL manually will not display.
preview null No element An optional JSX component that accepts an src prop as a string to render the preview upon selection.
value Yes integer The ID of the selected attachment. 0 represents no selection.
valueURL '' No string The URL of the attachment. An empty string represents no selection.


Allows for a simple post select/replace/remove feature, similar to selecting an item from the media library.


  onReset={() => setAttributes({ postId: 0 })}
  onUpdate={( id ) => setAttributes({ postId: id })}

There are additional options for the PostPicker that can be configured via the props listed below. For example, the PostPicker also supports customizing the arguments sent to the search endpoint, a custom renderer for previews, a custom renderer for search results, and a custom function for fetching post data given a post ID.


Prop Default Required Type Description
allowedTypes [] No array Array with the post types to select from. Defaults to empty array (all types).
className '' No string Class name for the post picker container.
getPostType No function Function to retrieve the post type for a post ID. This function must return a string.
modalTitle Select Post No string Title of the modal that shows posts.
onReset Yes function Function to reset the post ID to 0.
onUpdate Yes function Function to set the post ID on post selection.
params {} No object Optional key value pairs to append to the search request. Ex: { per_page: 20 }.
previewRender No function Optional component to render the preview of the selected post. Must recieve an object similar to what is returned from the /wp/v2/posts/<ID> endpoint.
replaceText Replace No string Text shown on the button that will open the picker to replace a currently selected post.
resetText Reset No string Text shown on the button that will reset the picker to having no post selected.
searchEndpoint /wp/v2/search No string Optional search endpoint.
searchRender No function Optional component to render the preview of posts in the modal window. Must recieve an object similar to what is returned from the /wp/v2/search endpoint.
selectText Select No string Text shown on the button that will open the picker to select a post.
suppressPostIds No array Array of post ids to not show in the results list.
title '' No string Optional title for the component.
value Yes integer The ID of the selected post. 0 represents no selection.


A lightweight, reusable component for safely creating a component that contains arbitrary HTML, such as from a REST API.

Uses dangerouslySetInnerHTML and DOMPurify under the hood.

Because of how dangerouslySetInnerHTML works, you need to provide a tag to inject the HTML into. If the HTML you want to inject is wrapped in the tag you want to use, you will need to strip that out first.


  html="<p>some arbitrary html</p>"


prop required type
className No string A classname for the element.
html Yes string The arbitrary HTML to sanitize and insert
tag Yes string The tag name to wrap the HTML in, e.g., div.


Allows users to select an item or multiple items using a search query against the REST API. Optionally, accepts a list of subtypes to which to restrict the search. Utilizes the search endpoint, so items must have the appropriate visibility within the REST API to appear in the result list.

Importantly, this component does not save the selected item, it just returns it in the onSelect method. The enclosing block or component is responsible for managing the selected items in some way, and using this component as a method for picking a new one.


    emptyLabel="No items."
    subTypes={['post', 'page']}
      id: 123,
      title: 'Title of Element',


Prop Default Required Type Description
className false string If specified, the className is prepended to the top-level container.
emptyLabel No items found false string If specified, this overrides the default language when no items are found.
label Search for items false string If specified, this overrides the default label text for the item selection search input.
multiple false false boolean If set to true the component allows for the ability to select multiple items returned through the onSelect callback.
onSelect NA true function Callback to receive the selected item array, as it is returned from the search REST endpoint. Required.
placeholder Search for items false string If specified, this overrides the default input placeholder value.
subTypes [] false array All queryable subtypes that will be included in the form of a comma-separated array. The default query is "any" subtype.
selected [] false array Optional array of objects with id and title keys to auto-hydrate selections on load.
threshold 3 false integer If specified, this overrides the default minimum number of characters that must be entered in order for the search to fire.


A component for selecting terms.

Usage See the Selector component for usage details. The type prop is preset to term.


Allows a user to select or remove a video using the media modal or via direct URL entry. This component is a thin wrapper around MediaPicker and sets the allowed types for the MediaPicker to video as well as provides a custom preview component that embeds the selected video in the editor.

For more information on how to use this component, see MediaPicker.


  onReset={() => setAttributes({ videoId: 0 })}
  onUpdate={({ id }) => setAttributes({ videoId: id })}


Prop Default Required Type Description
className '' No string Class name for the media picker container.
onReset Yes function Function to reset the video ID to 0 and/or the video URL to an empty string.
onUpdate Yes function Function to set the video ID on video selection/upload.
onUpdateURL null No function Function to set the video URL on entry. If not set, the button to enter a URL manually will not display.
value Yes integer The ID of the selected video. 0 represents no selection.
valueURL '' No string The URL of the video. An empty string represents no selection.


Hooks are custom React hooks that provide various functionalities within the block editor.


A custom React hook that returns the name of a block.


const MyBlock = ({ clientId }) => {
  const blockName = useBlockName(clientId);

const MyBlock = ({ clientId }) => {
  const parentBlockClientId = useParentClientId(clientId);
  const parentBlockName = useBlockName(parentBlockClientId);


A custom React hook to retrieve the current post ID.


const MyBlock = () => {
  const currentPostID = useCurrentPostId();

  if (currentPostID) {


A custom React hook that creates and returns a new debounced version of the passed value that will postpone its execution until after wait milliseconds have elapsed since the last time it was invoked

@see https://github.com/alleyinteractive/alley-scripts/issues/250


const MyComponent = () => {
  const [value, setValue] = useState('');
  const debouncedValue = useDebounce(value, 500);

  // This value will display after 500 miliseconds
  useEffect(() => {
    // Kickoff Function on a delay.
  }, [debouncedValue]);

  return (
        label={__('Set Value', 'your-textdomain-here')}
        onChange={(next) => setValue(next)}


A custom React hook that determines if a block has inner blocks.


const MyBlock = ({
}) => {
  const hasInnerBlocks = useHasInnerBlocks(clientId);

  if (hasInnerBlocks) {
  } else {



A custom React hook that returns the current block's index relative to its siblings within a parent block.


const MyBlock = ({
}) => {
  const blockIndex = useInnerBlockIndex(clientId);



A custom React hook that returns the current blocks' inner block's attributes.


const MyBlock = ({
}) => {
  const innerBlockAttributes = useInnerBlocksAttributes(clientId);



A custom React hook that returns the current block's inner block count.


const MyBlock = ({
}) => {
  const innerBlocksCount = useInnerBlocksCount(clientId);



A custom React hook for attachment data given an ID.


const MyBlock = ({
}) => {
  const image = useMedia(imageID);



A custom React hook that returns the current block's parent block.


const MyBlock = ({ clientId }) => {
  const parentBlock = useParentBlock(clientId);



A custom React hook that returns the current block's parent block attributes.


const MyBlock = ({
}) => {
  const parentBlockAttributes = useParentBlockAttributes(clientId);



A custom React hook that returns the client id of the parent block of the current block.


const MyBlock = ({ clientId }) => {
  const parentBlockClientId = useParentClientId(clientId);



A custom React hook to retrieve post data given a post ID and post type.


const MyBlock = ({
 postType = 'post',
 options = { context: 'view' }
}) => {
  const post = usePost(postID, postType, options);

  if (post) {


A custom React hook to retrieve post data given only a post ID. If you have the post type, use usePost instead.


const MyBlock = ({
}) => {
  const post = usePostById(postID);

  if (post) {

You can also pass a function to lookup the post type when passed the post id. This function must return a string that is the post type.

const MyBlock = ({
}) => {
  const myCustomPostTypeLookup = (id) => (

  const post = usePostById(postID, myCustomPostTypeLookup);

  if (post) {

You are also able to pass options to the underlying API query. For example, here is how we would get a post with the Edit context.

const MyBlock = ({
}) => {
  const post = usePostById(postID, null, { context: 'edit' });

  if (post) {


A custom React hook that wraps useEntityProp for working with postmeta. This hook is intended to reduce boilerplate code in components that need to read and write postmeta. By default, it operates on postmeta for the current post, but you can optionally pass a post type and post ID in order to get and set post meta for an arbitrary post.


Editing the Current Post's Meta

const MyComponent = () => {
  const [meta, setMeta] = usePostMeta();
  const { my_meta_key: myMetaKey } = meta;

  return (
      label={__('My Meta Key', 'your-textdomain-here')}
      onChange={(next) => setMeta({ ...meta, my_meta_key: next })}

Editing Another Post's Meta

const MyComponent = ({
}) => {
  const [meta, setMeta] = usePostMeta(postType, postId);
  const { my_meta_key: myMetaKey } = meta;

  return (
      label={__('My Meta Key', 'your-textdomain-here')}
      onChange={(next) => setMeta({ ...meta, my_meta_key: next })}


A custom React hook that wraps useEntityProp for working with a specific postmeta value. It returns the value for the specified meta key as well as a setter for the meta value. This hook is intended to reduce boilerplate code in components that need to read and write postmeta. It differs from usePostMeta in that it operates on a specific meta key/value pair. By default, it operates on postmeta for the current post, but you can optionally pass a post type and post ID in order to get and set post meta for an arbitrary post.


Editing the Current Post's Meta

const MyComponent = () => {
  const [myMetaKey, setMyMetaKey] = usePostMetaValue('my_meta_key');

  return (
      label={__('My Meta Key', 'your-textdomain-here')}

Editing Another Post's Meta

const MyComponent = ({
}) => {
  const [myMetaKey, setMyMetaKey] = usePostMetaValue('my_meta_key', postType, postId);

  return (
      label={__('My Meta Key', 'your-textdomain-here')}


A custom React hook to retrieve multiple posts' data given an array of post IDs and a single post type.


const MyBlock = ({
}) => {
  const posts = usePosts(postIDs, postType);

  if (posts) {


A custom React hook that wraps useEntityProp for working with a post's terms. It returns an array that contains a copy of a post's terms assigned from a given taxonomy as well as a helper function that sets the terms for a given post. This hook is intended to reduce boilerplate code in components that need to update a post's terms. By default, it operates on terms for the current post, but you can optionally pass a post type and post ID in order to get and set terms for an arbitrary post.


Editing the Current Post's Terms

const MyComponent = ({
}) => {
  const [terms, setTerms] = useTerms(null, null, taxonomy);

  return (
      label={__('My Terms', 'your-textdomain-here')}
      onChange={(next) => setTerms(next)}

Editing Another Post's Terms

const MyComponent = ({
}) => {
  const [terms, setTerms] = useTerms(postType, postId, taxonomy);

  return (
      label={__('My Terms', 'your-textdomain-here')}
      onChange={(next) => setTerms(next)}


Services are utility functions that provide additional functionalities.


Parses a CSV file and converts it into an array of objects.

Given a File object containing CSV data, parseCSVFile parses the CSV and returns an array of objects that are keyed by column names. Assumes that the first row in the CSV is the name of the column. Skips empty lines and attempts to do automatic type conversion.


  • {File} file - The CSV file object.


  • {Promise} - A Promise that will resolve to an array of row objects.


Extracts the URL for a media item at a requested size from a media object.

Given a media object returned from the WordPress REST API, extracts the URL for the media item at the requested size if it exists, or the full size if it does not. Returns an empty string if unable to find either. Uses a superset of the same logic that the Gutenberg Image component uses for selecting the correct image size from a media REST API response.


  • {object} media - A media object returned by the WordPress API.
  • {string} size - Media size to request. Default: full


  • {string} - The URL to the asset, or an empty string on failure.


This project keeps a changelog.

Development Process

This package is developed as part of the Alley Scripts project on GitHub. The project is organized as a monorepo using npm workspaces and individual packages are published to npm under the @alleyinteractive organization.


You can contribute to this project in several ways:


This project adheres to the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 specification. All major, minor, and patch releases are published to npm and tagged in the repo. We will maintain separate branches for each minor release (e.g. block-editor-tools/0.1) to manage patch releases while keeping future development in the main branch.


This project is actively maintained by Alley Interactive. Like what you see? Come work with us.

Alley logo


This software is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.




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