This package aims to provide a thin layer of abstraction for some well known FP concepts:
: used for branching logic. It can hold one of both type of information, a successful one or a failure. It's commonly used in place of throwing exceptions (since those can't be tracked by the compiler type system); -
: used to perform side-effects, like HTTP requests, database access, etc. The side effect is performed only when requested (unlike aPromise
that is eager and runs as soon as possible).
This package also offers a syntax sugar to use both Either
and IO
together (here called EitherIO
). Since IO can't keep track of type errors, Either
and IO
are used together so that side-effects are performed lazily, but also type errors are tracked by compiler.
To import the you can follow one of two options:
import { Either, IO, EitherIO } from '@alissonfpmorais/minimal_fp';
// or
const { Either, IO, EitherIO } = require('@alissonfpmorais/minimal_fp');
Some examples using Either
const eitherSuccess: Either<string, string> = Either.right<string, number>(42)
.flatMap((value: number) => {
if (typeof value === 'number') return Either.right(value);
return Either.left('You shall not pass');
.map((value: number) => String(value));
const eitherFailure: Either<string, string> = Either.left('You shall not pass')
.flatMap((value: number) => {
if (typeof value === 'number') return Either.right(value);
return Either.left('Another one?');
.map((value: number) => String(value));
console.log(eitherSuccess.isRight()); // true
console.log(eitherSuccess.isLeft()); // false
console.log(eitherSuccess.getRight()); // "42"
console.log(eitherSuccess.getLeft()); // throw exception Error('No left value found')
console.log(eitherFailure.isRight()); // false
console.log(eitherFailure.isLeft()); // true
console.log(eitherFailure.getRight()); // throw exception Error('No right value found')
console.log(eitherFailure.getLeft()); // 'You shall not pass'
Some examples of IO
class HttpClient {
const httpClient: HttpClient = new HttpClient('baseUrl');
function requestMessages(userId: string): IO<Message[]> {
return IO.of(userId).map((value: string) => {
return httpClient.get('/messages').appendQuery('userId', value).exec();
function requestUserByEmail(email: string): IO<User> {
return IO.of(email).map((value: string) => {
return httpClient.get('/user').appendQuery('userId', value).exec();
function requestUserMessagesByEmail(email: string): IO<Message[]> {
return IO.of(email)
.flatMap((user: User) => requestMessages(
() => new Error('No messages'),
(messages: Message[]) => messages.length > 0,
async function unsafeMain(): Promise<void> {
const email: string = ''; // 2 messages
const messages: Message[] = await requestUserMessagesByEmail(email).unsafeRun();
console.log(messages); // ["message 1", "message 2"]
const email2: string = ''; // 0 messages
const messages2: Message[] = await requestUserMessagesByEmail(email2).unsafeRun(); // throws exception Error: 'No messages' (use try/catch)
async function safeMain(): Promise<void> {
const email: string = ''; // 2 messages
const eMessages: Either<Error, Message[]> = await requestUserMessagesByEmail(email).safeRun();
if (eMessages.isRight()) console.log(eMessages.getRight()); // ["message 1", "message 2"]
const email2: string = ''; // 0 messages
const eMessages2: Either<Error, Message[]> = await requestUserMessagesByEmail(email2).safeRun();
if (eMessages2.isLeft()) console.log(eMessages2.getLeft()); // Error: "No messages"
Some examples of EitherIO
class HttpClient {
type Message = string;
type User = { readonly id: string; readonly email: string };
type RequestMessagesErrors = 'UNKNOWN' | 'NO_MESSAGES';
type RequestUserErrors = 'UNKNOWN' | 'NO_USER';
type RequestUserMessagesErrors = RequestMessagesErrors | RequestUserErrors;
const httpClient: HttpClient = new HttpClient('baseUrl');
function requestMessages(userId: string): EitherIO<RequestMessagesErrors, Message[]> {
return EitherIO.of(() => 'UNKNOWN' as RequestMessagesErrors, userId)
.map((value: string) => {
return httpClient.get('/messages').appendQuery('userId', value).exec<Message[]>();
() => 'NO_MESSAGES',
(messages: Message[]) => messages.length > 0,
function requestUserByEmail(email: string): EitherIO<RequestUserErrors, User> {
return EitherIO.of(() => 'UNKNOWN' as RequestUserErrors, email)
.map((value: string) => {
return httpClient.get('/user').appendQuery('userId', value).exec<User>();
() => 'NO_USER',
(user: User) => !!user,
function requestUserMessagesByEmail(email: string): EitherIO<RequestUserMessagesErrors, ReadonlyArray<Message>> {
return EitherIO.of(() => 'UNKNOWN' as RequestUserMessagesErrors, email)
.flatMap((user: User) => requestMessages(;
async function unsafeMain(): Promise<void> {
const email: string = ''; // 2 messages
const messages: Message[] = await requestUserMessagesByEmail(email).unsafeRun();
console.log(messages); // ["message 1", "message 2"]
const email2: string = ''; // 0 messages
const messages2: Message[] = await requestUserMessagesByEmail(email2).unsafeRun(); // throws exception "NO_MESSAGES"
async function safeMain(): Promise<void> {
const email: string = ''; // 2 messages
const eMessages: Either<RequestUserMessagesErrors, Message[]> = await requestUserMessagesByEmail(
if (eMessages.isRight()) console.log(eMessages.getRight()); // ["message 1", "message 2"]
const email2: string = ''; // 0 messages
const eMessages2: Either<RequestUserMessagesErrors, Message[]> = await requestUserMessagesByEmail(
if (eMessages2.isLeft()) console.log(eMessages2.getLeft()); // "NO_MESSAGES"