Alice Token
This repository contains Solidity contracts for Alice Finance.
Deployed Addresses
Below contracts are deployed on Loom Network's PlasmaChain.
Contract | Address |
AliceFund | 0xc1bea036f63e88d65306e8513db9bfee5d8b5268 |
AliceIFO | 0xc7bb19a92c1a050087b0633c6e4cb4bf363053d9 |
AlicePlasma | 0x60f27e0a85c1f923ea29967c847245149d46cfee |
And below contracts are deployed on Ethereum Network
Contract | Address |
Alice | 0x33dcd369d697132de252884336225de31fb474b2 |
First, install Node.js and yarn. Then grep the source code.
Get the source
Fork this repo and clone it to your local machine:
$ git clone
Once git clone is done, use yarn to install dependencies:
$ yarn install
To deploy, we use truffle.
$ npx truffle deploy
If you want to deploy contracts to testnet, you need .env
file. Use .env.sample
to make your own .env
To run tests, run command below:
$ yarn test
To get coverage report, run command below:
$ yarn test:coverage
We always appreciate your contributions. Please create an issue in this repository to report bugs or suggestions.
If you have security concerns or discovered problems related to security, please contact us on Telegram - Alice Developers.
Alice Token is licensed under the MIT License.