This package provides client for Agnesoft Graph Database. Please refer to the documentation of the project for details.
Full guide can be found at:
Example project at code:
import { QueryBuilder, AgdbApi } from "@agnesfot/agdb_api";
async function main() {
// Requires the server to be running...
// Creates a client connecting to the remote server.
let client = await AgdbApi.client("http://localhost", 3000);
let admin_token = await client.user_login(null, {
username: "admin",
password: "admin",
await client.admin_user_add("user1", { password: "password123" });
let token = await client.user_login(null, {
username: "user1",
password: "password123",
AgdbApi.setToken(; //replaces the admin token
// To create a database:
await client.db_add({
owner: "user1",
db: "db1",
db_type: "mapped", //memory mapped type, other options are "memory" and "file"
// Prepare and run queries:
let queries = [
// :0: Inserts a root node aliase "users"
// :1: Inserts more nodes with some data
{ key: { String: "username" }, value: { String: "user1" } },
key: { String: "password" },
value: { String: "password123" },
{ key: { String: "username" }, value: { String: "user1" } },
key: { String: "password" },
value: { String: "password456" },
// :2: Connect the root to the inserted nodes with edges referencing both from previous queries
// :3: Find a node starting at the "users" node (could also be ":0" in this instance) with specific username
.key({ String: "username" })
.value({ Equal: { String: "user1" } })
// Execute queries.
let results = (await client.db_exec({ owner: "user1", db: "db1" }, queries))
console.log(`User (id: ${results[3].elements[0].id})`);
for (let { key, value } of results[3].elements[0].values) {
console.log(`${key["String"]}: ${value["String"]}`);