0-dependency UTS-51 Emoji Parser.
npm i @adraffy/emoji
- Unicode
- Minified File Size:
- ✅️ Passes 100% Unicode Emoji Tests
Demo ⭐
import {POSSIBLE_REGEX, RGI_REGEX, RGI_EMOJI} from '@adraffy/emoji';
// browser: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@adraffy/emoji@latest/dist/index.min.js
// RegExp that matches UTS-51 "Possible" Emoji
// see: https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/#EBNF_and_Regex
// with some modifications:
// * matches 1-2 regional indicator instead of exactly 2
// * matches repeated inner/trailing FE0F
// * matches trailing FE0E
// * does NOT match isolated [#*0-9] w/o FE0F
let match = 'abc💩\u200D💩xyz'.match(POSSIBLE_REGEX);
// [
// '💩💩',
// '💩',
// '💩',
// index: 4,
// input: 'abc 💩💩 xyz',
// ]
// RegExp that only matches RGI Emoji
// * FE0F are optional during matching
let match = 'abc👁️🗨️xyz'.match(RGI_REGEX);
// [
// '👁️',
// index: 4,
// input: 'abc 👁️🗨️ 123'
// ]
// string[] of all **fully-qualified** RGI Emoji
// see: https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html
// [ '⌚', '⌛', '⏩', ... ]
Split a string into tokens:
// string -> Token[]
let tokens = tokenize('abc💩\uFE0Eabc💩\u200D💩abc');
// [
// { index: 0, text: 'abc' },
// { index: 3, emoji: '💩︎', RGI: '💩' },
// { index: 6, text: 'abc' },
// { index: 9, emoji: '💩💩' },
// { index: 14, text: 'abc' }
// ]
// Usage examples:
// Purge ALL Emoji: tokens.map(x => x.text || '').join('');
// Keep Text & RGI: tokens.map(x => x.text || x.RGI || '').join('');
// Upgrade to RGI: tokens.map(x => x.text || x.RGI || x.emoji).join('');
Convert an Emoji to fully-qualified RGI, if possible:
// string -> string?
qualifize('\u2639\uFE0F'); // "☹️" <2639 FE0F>
qualifize('\u2639\uFE0F\uFE0F'); // "☹️" <2639 FE0F>
qualifize('\u2639\uFE0E'); // "☹️" <2639 FE0F>
qualifize('\u2639'); // "☹️" <2639 FE0F>
qualifize('x'); // undefined
// Note: qualifize(x) is truthy if x is RGI-able
// x === qualifize(x) iff x is fully-qualified RGI
git clone
this repo, thennpm install
node download <version>
— download Unicode files- Edit version in
- Edit version in
npm run make
- Creates
- Creates
npm run test
npm run build
— create/dist/