Get running processes
Works on macOS, Linux, and Windows.
Primary difference between sindresorhus/ps-list is the use of native PowerShell instead of fastlist.exe. PowerShell is native to Windows, and provides much more information than available otherwise.
Previously WMIC was used, however it is now deprecated by Microsoft.
Additionally, this fork:
- will filter out the PID of the process running the ps-list this PR.
- will redact strings from it's output
$ npm install @667/ps-list
const psList = require('@667/ps-list');
(async () => {
console.log(await psList());
//=> [{pid: 3213, name: 'node', cmd: 'node test.js', ppid: 1, uid: 501, cpu: 0.1, memory: 1.5}, …]
or on Windows:
=> [{caption: "node.exe",
cmd: "node "C:\..\nodemon.js" test.js",
commandline: "node "C:\..\nodemon.js" --inspect test.js",
cpu: 0,
creationclassname: "Win32_Process",
creationdate: "20200421203634.377920-420",
cscreationclassname: "Win32_ComputerSystem",
csname: "DESKTOP-ARG34AZ",
description: "node.exe",
executablepath: "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe",
executionstate: "",
handle: "12604",
handlecount: "173",
installdate: "",
kernelmodetime: "4687500",
maximumworkingsetsize: "1380",
memory: 19742720,
minimumworkingsetsize: "200",
name: "node.exe",
node: "DESKTOP-ARG34AZ",
oscreationclassname: "Win32_OperatingSystem",
osname: "Microsoft Windows 10 Pro|C:\WINDOWS|",
otheroperationcount: "9878",
othertransfercount: "396344",
pagefaults: "14660",
pagefileusage: "16584",
parentprocessid: "10976",
peakpagefileusage: "23184",
peakvirtualsize: "4587802624",
peakworkingsetsize: "31452",
pid: 12604,
ppid: 10976,
priority: "8",
privatepagecount: "16982016",
processid: "12604",
quotanonpagedpoolusage: "19",
quotapagedpoolusage: "170",
quotapeaknonpagedpoolusage: "22",
quotapeakpagedpoolusage: "206",
readoperationcount: "312",
readtransfercount: "557407",
sessionid: "1",
status: "",
terminationdate: "",
threadcount: "14",
usermodetime: "5312500",
virtualsize: "4586491904",
windowsversion: "10.0.19041",
workingsetsize: "28581888",
writeoperationcount: "1",
writetransfercount: "55"}, …]
property is not yet supported on Windows.
Returns a Promise<Array>
with the running processes.
Type: Object
Type: boolean
Default: true
Return other users' processes as well as your own.
On Windows this has no effect and will always be the users' own processes.
Type: regex
or array
The regex being what you want to replace, and in the case of an array type, the second array item is the replacement string.
- using a regex type:
{ redact: /secret/g }
- or using an array type:
{ redact: [ /secret/g, '***wouldntyouliketoknow***' ] }
- This second form will replace all strings matching "secret" with strings equal to "***wouldntyouliketoknow***".
- The default replacement string is "***redacted***".
MIT © June07