
2.0.34 • Public • Published

Vue Validator

Vue 3 validator based on @vue/composition-api, @vuelidate/validators and @vuelidate/core.

This package is built to use validation on a generic reactive object,which displays inputs related to its type.


This package has one main function: useValidation

export const useValidation: <FormDataType, FormDataValuesType extends unknown, InputTypes extends GenericInput = GenericInput>(
	inputs: Ref<InputType<FormDataType, InputTypes>> | InputType<FormDataType, InputTypes>,
	formData: Record<keyof FormDataType, FormDataValuesType> | Ref<Record<keyof FormDataType, FormDataValuesType>>,
	checkDirty?: boolean,
	registerAs?: string,
	callbacks?: Partial<{
		onInputChange: <K extends keyof FormDataType = keyof FormDataType>(key: K, value: FormDataType[K]) => void;
		onInputInvalid: <K extends keyof FormDataType = keyof FormDataType>(key: K) => void;
		onInputValid: <K extends keyof FormDataType = keyof FormDataType>(key: K) => void;
	}>) => {
	v: Ref<Validation<ValidationArgs<FormDataType>, Record<keyof FormDataType, FormDataValuesType>>>,
	isInvalid: boolean,
	isInputInvalid: (key: keyof FormDataType, excludeDirty?: boolean) => boolean,
	isInputTouched: (key: keyof FormDataType) => boolean

It receives a record of generic inputs with these properties:

export type GenericInput = {
	mandatory: boolean;
	name: string;
	rules: (string | {key: string, func: (value: any) => boolean})[];
	exclude_dirty?: boolean; //To avoid dirty check

a record of FormDataType, and other attributes:

checkDirty: whether to set invalid the form values until they aren't modified - see The dirty state

registerAs: vuelidate registerAs attribute - see https://vuelidate-next.netlify.app/

callbacks: these callbacks, if passed, are toggled for every attribute,

The function returns an object containing

    v: Vuelidate object containing your form attributes, ready to be touched, see https://vuelidate-next.netlify.app/guide.html#the-dirty-state,
    isInvalid: Vuelidate generic isInvalid object,
    isInputInvalid(key): Function that returns if an input is invalid,
    isInputTouched(key): Function that returns if an input is touched, aka the form attribute has changed.    

The library is NOT touching the attributes, if you want to apply automatic touch on change, you can use onChange callback like below:

const {v, isInvalid, isInputInvalid, isInputTouched} = useValidation<FormData, string | boolean>(inputs, formData, false, undefined, {

List of rules applicable:

requiredIf:name,value Sets input required when $name has $value value;

requiredIfNot:name,value Sets input required when $name has a value different from $value;

sameAs:name Input value needs to be same as $name value;

notSameAs:name Input value needs to be different from $name value;

min:number Input value needs to be at least $number chars long;

max:number Input value needs to have less than $number chars;

minValue:number Input value must be greater than $number;

maxValue:number Input value must be lower than $number;

date Input must be a valid date (YYYY-MM-DD);

datetime Input must be a valid date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss);

email Input must be a valid email;

required Input is required (same as mandatory: true) in the object model;

accepted Input must be === true or === 1;

full_number Input must be numeric;

number Input must have a number in it;

char Input must have a char in it;

regex:regex Input must match the regex, es: regex:/^[a-z]+$/;

minDate:date Input date must be after or same as $date (YYYY-MM-DD);

maxDate:date Input date must be before or same as $date (YYYY-MM-DD);

minDatetime:date Input date must be after or same as $date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss);

maxDatetime:date Input date must be before or same as $date (YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss);

minMonth:date Input value must be after or equal to $date (YY-MM);

maxMonth:date Input value must be before or equal to $date (YY-MM);

iban Input value must be a valid european IBAN;


type FormData = {
    name: string;
    surname: string;
    email: string;
    privacy: boolean;

const inputs: Record<keyof FormData, GenericInput> = {
    name: {
        name: 'name',
        mandatory: false,
        rules: ['requiredIf:surname,'],
    surname: {
        name: 'surname',
        mandatory: false,
        rules: ['requiredIf:name,'],
    email: {
        name: 'email',
        mandatory: true,
        rules: []
    privacy: {
        name: 'privacy',
        mandatory: true,
        rules: ['boolean']
const formData = reactive<FormData>({
    name: "test",
    surname: "",
    email: "",
    privacy: false

const {v, isInvalid, isInputInvalid, isInputTouched} = useValidation<FormData, string | boolean>(inputs, formData, false);

return {

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