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Provide an async promise based unofficial sdk for the tello drone based on the official documentation.

Refactored to TypeScript, forked from tellojs.


add it to your project using npm install @0x77/tellots --save or yarn add @0x77/tellots


this sdk provide functions when you import for the next capabilities:

import sdk from "@0x77/tellots";
// or
// const sdk = require('@0x77/tellots')

const x = number,
    y = number,
    z = number,
    speed = number,
    yaw = number,
    start = {x, y, z},
    end = {x, y, z},
    ssid = string,
    password = string

await sdk.control.connect()                     // Enter SDK mode.
await sdk.control.takeOff()                     // Auto takeoff.
await sdk.control.land()                        // Auto landing.
await sdk.control.emergency()                   // Stop motors immediately
await sdk.control.stop()                        // Hovers in the air
await sdk.control.move.up(x)                    // Ascend to “x” cm.
await sdk.control.move.down(x)                  // Descend to “x” cm.
await sdk.control.move.left(x)                  // move left to “x” cm.
await sdk.control.move.right(x)                 // move right to “x” cm.
await sdk.control.move.front(x)                 // move forward to “x” cm.
await sdk.control.move.back(x)                  // move backwards to “x” cm.
await sdk.control.move.go(end, speed)           //  fly to x y z in speed (cm/s)
await sdk.control.move.curve(start, end, speed) //  fly to x y z in speed (cm/s)
await sdk.control.rotate.clockwise(x)           // rotate clockwise 'x' degrees.
await sdk.control.rotate.counterClockwise(x)    // rotate counter clockwise 'x' degrees.
await sdk.control.flip.left()                   // Flip to the left.
await sdk.control.flip.right()                  // Flip to the right.
await sdk.control.flip.back()                   // Flip in backward.
await sdk.control.flip.front()                  // Flip in forward.

await sdk.set.speed(x)                          // set speed to x cm/s
await sdk.set.rc(x, y, z, yaw)                  // Send RC control via four channels.
await sdk.set.wifi(ssid, password)              // Set Wi-Fi with SSID password

await sdk.read.speed()                          // Obtain current speed (cm/s).
await sdk.read.battery()                        // Obtain current battery percentage.
await sdk.read.time()                           // Obtain current flight time.
await sdk.read.height()                         // Obtain get height (cm)
await sdk.read.temperature()                    // Obtain temperature (°C)
await sdk.read.attitude()                       // Obtain IMU attitude data
await sdk.read.barometer()                      // Obtain barometer value (m)
await sdk.read.tof()                            // Obtain distance value from TOF(cm)
await sdk.read.acceleration()                   // Obtain IMU angular acceleration data (0.001g)
await sdk.read.wifi()                           // Obtain Wi-Fi SNR.

const stateEmitter = sdk.receiver.state.bind()  // Binding to port of state
stateEmitter.on('message', res => console.log)  // React to messages on received
sdk.receiver.state.close()                      // Stop receiving messages

const videoEmitter = sdk.receiver.video.bind()  // Binding to port of video
videoEmitter.on('message', res => console.log)  // React to messages on received
sdk.receiver.video.close()                      // Stop receiving messages

Example output of state:
    pitch: 1,
    roll: 0,
    yaw: 0,
    speed: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
    temperature: { low: 51, high: 53 },
    tof: 6553,
    height: 0,
    battery: 87,
    barometer: 24.65,
    time: 0,
    acceleration: { x: 16, y: 3, z: -990 } 

Example output of video: is binary ;)

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