
0.0.14 • Public • Published

Torus Tools - Domains

A promise-based javascript SDK that standarizes interactions with various different domain registrars providers.

Currently Supporting

  • AWS
  • Godaddy

If you are interested in adding new providers create the feature request and we will add it to our pipeline; or feel free to submit your own PR 😎

Records Format

the records parameter has the following format

  name:"example.com",  //traffic coming into (root domain or sub-domain)
  data: "",  //route traffic to somewhere (an ip or resource ARN)
  type: "CNAME",  //type of record.
  ttl: 3600   //ttl for the record if required
  alias: true|false   //depending on this value the record will either have a resourceRecords attribute or an aliasTarget attribute in AWS

Record Types

  • A
  • AAAA
  • CAA
  • MX
  • NS
  • PTR
  • SOA
  • SPF
  • SRV
  • TXT


The API standardizes operations accross different providers. As shown in the example below, all of the methods must be used in the format [PROVIDER].method

const {godaddy} = require('@torus-tools/domains')

.then(data=> console.log(data))


  • description: gets the nameservers for a particular domain
  • params: (domain)
    • domain: STRING: REQUIRED: the root domain of your site i.e. yoursite.com
  • returns: promise(resolve, reject)
    • resolve: (nameservers)
      • nameservers: an array of nameserver addresses
    • reject: (error)

updateNameservers(domain, nameservers)

  • description: updates the nameservers for a particular domain
  • params: (domain, nameservers)
    • domain: STRING: REQUIRED: the root domain of your site i.e. yoursite.com
    • nameservers: ARRAY: REQUIRED: an array of nameserver strings
  • returns: promise(resolve, reject)
    • resolve: ('All Done')
      • nameservers: an array of nameserver addresses
    • reject: (error)


  • description: Lists the records of a particular domain
  • params: (domain)
    • domain: STRING: REQUIRED: the root domain of your site i.e. yoursite.com
  • returns: promise(resolve, reject)
    • resolve: ('All Done')
      • recordSet: an object with the record set of the given domain
    • reject: (error)

upsertRecords(domain, records)

  • description: It will create or update the specified records for a given domain. If one of the records exists it will updated, otherwise it will be created.
  • params: (domain, records)
    • domain: STRING: REQUIRED: the root domain of your site i.e. yoursite.com
    • records: OBJECT: REQUIRED: the record set that includes:
      • Record name
      • Record type
      • Record data
      • Record ttl
  • returns: promise(resolve, reject)
    • resolve: ('All Done')
      • record: an array with the new record data that has been created or updated
    • reject: (error)

deleteRecords(domain, records)

  • description: deletes the specified records for a given domain.
  • params: (domain, records)
    • domain: STRING: REQUIRED: the root domain of your site i.e. yoursite.com
    • records: OBJECT: REQUIRED: the record sets that will be deleted
  • returns: promise(resolve, reject)
    • resolve: ('recordSet deleted')
      • recordSet: an object with the record set hat has been deleted
    • reject: (error)

deleteAllRecords(doamin, records)

  • description: Deletes all DNS records for a given domain.
  • params: (domain)
    • domain: STRING: REQUIRED: the root domain of your site i.e. yoursite.com
  • returns: promise(resolve, reject)
    • resolve: ('All recordSets deleted')
    • reject: (error)

createRedirect(domain, url)

  • description: creates a 301 redirect for the given domian to a specified url.
  • params: (domain, url)
    • domain: STRING: REQUIRED: the root domain of your site i.e. yoursite.com
    • url: STRING: REQUIRED: the url address you want to redirect
  • returns: promise(resolve, reject)
    • resolve: ('All Done')
      • type: a string with the value "REDIRECT_PERMANENT"
      • url: a string for the redirect url address
    • reject: (error)

addRecord(domain, records)

  • description: It will add the specified records to the given domain.
  • params: (domain, records)
    • domain: STRING: REQUIRED: the root domain of your site i.e. yoursite.com
    • records: OBJECT: REQUIRED: the record set that includes:
      • Record name
      • Record type
      • Record data
      • Record ttl
  • returns: promise(resolve, reject)
    • resolve: ('All Done')
      • record: an object with the record that has been added
    • reject: (error)


  • description: gets the DNS zone Id for a given domain.
  • params: (domain)
    • domain: STRING: REQUIRED: the root domain of your site i.e. yoursite.com
  • returns: promise(resolve, reject)
    • resolve: ('All Done')
      • HostedZones: An array with the hosted zone ID of given domain.
    • reject: ('no hosted zones exist for the given domain')

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  • lucas_kay
  • gkpty