
1.12.0 • Public • Published

Express Checkout

Express Checkout is an abstraction for third-party express checkout providers such as PayPal Express and Amazon Pay. For more details please check the official documentation:




3 demos are available for different use-cases:

  • React implementation with a regular redirect (summary page on a separate URL), no overriding of customFunctions. The demo is located inside this project under /demo

  • React implementation for a single page application (replacing regular redirect with react-router-dom). The demo is located here

  • UMD implementation with a regular redirect. The demo is located here

  • React regular redirect live demo - https://optile.github.io/express-checkout/?env=pi-nightly

How to use Express Checkout

Install the component using npm:

npm install express-checkout@latest --registry https://packagecloud.io/optile/javascript/npm/


yarn add express-checkout@latest --registry https://packagecloud.io/optile/javascript/npm/

Please do not forget to version the lock file (package-lock.json or yarn.lock, respectively)

React implementation

import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";

import ExpressCheckout from "express-checkout";
const attributes = {
    configuration: {
        baseURL: "....",
        clientId: "....",
        currency: "GBP",
        country: "GB",
        language: "en_GB",
        translation: [
                language: "en",
                resource: {
                    confirm: "confirm",
                language: "de",
                resource: {
                    confirm: "bestätigen",
        paymentMethodsConfiguration: [
                code: "PAYPAL",
                clientId: "sb",
                style: {
                    size: "small",
                    color: "gold",
                    shape: "rect",
                    label: "checkout",
                code: "PAYPAL_PAY_LATER",
                clientId: "sb",
                style: {
                    size: "small",
                    color: "gold",
                    shape: "rect",
                    label: "checkout",
    createTransactionDetails: function (requestData) {
        return {
            transactionId: "tr-" + new Date().getTime(),
            country: "GB",
            providerRequest: requestData,
            payment: {
                amount: 2,
                currency: "GBP",
                reference: "Payment #1",
                longReference: {
                    essential: "Thank you for your purchase!",
            products: [
                    name: "product 1 (green)",
                    amount: 2,
    customFunctions: {
        getExpressList: ({ url, clientId, country }) => console.log(""),
        createExpressPreset: ({ url, transaction, network, clientId }) => console.log(""),
        updateExpressPreset: ({ url, transaction, network, longId }) => console.log(""),
        cancelExpressPreset: ({ url, transaction, network, longId }) => console.log(""),
        getExpressPresetAccount: ({ url, longId }) => console.log(""),
        confirmExpressPreset: ({ url, network, longId }) => console.log(""),

        onProceed: ({ preset, step, dispatch }) => console.log(""),
        onAbort: ({ preset, step, dispatch }) => console.log(""),
        onReload: ({ preset, step, dispatch }) => console.log(""),
        onTryOtherNetwork: ({ preset, step, dispatch }) => console.log(""),
        onTryOtherAccount: ({ preset, step, dispatch }) => console.log(""),
        onRetry: ({ preset, step, dispatch }) => console.log(""),
        onCustomerAbort: ({ preset, step, dispatch }) => console.log(""),
        onClientException: ({ preset, step, dispatch }) => console.log(""),
        onError: ({ resultInfo, network, step, dispatch }) => console.log(""),
const Demo = () => {
    return (
            <h1>Merchant Demo</h1>
            <ExpressCheckout {...attributes} />

render(<Demo />, document.querySelector("#demo"));

Umd implementation

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" />
        <title>UMD demo shop</title>
        <h1>Umd demo shop</h1>
        <div id="container"></div>
        <!-- Used to write needed polyfills for react in ie11 -->
        <script src="https://polyfill.io/v3/polyfill.min.js?features=Symbol%2CSymbol.asyncIterator%2CSymbol.for%2CSymbol.hasInstance%2CSymbol.isConcatSpreadable%2CSymbol.iterator%2CSymbol.keyFor%2CSymbol.match%2CSymbol.prototype.description%2CSymbol.replace%2CSymbol.search%2CSymbol.species%2CSymbol.split%2CSymbol.toPrimitive%2CSymbol.toStringTag%2CSymbol.unscopables%2CArray.from%2CObject.assign%2Cfetch%2CPromise%2CPromise.prototype.finally"></script>
        <script src="https://unpkg.com/react@16/umd/react.production.min.js" crossorigin></script>
        <script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@16/umd/react-dom.production.min.js" crossorigin></script>
        <script src="./node_modules/express-checkout/express-checkout.js"></script>
            var attributes = {
                configuration: {
                    baseURL: "....",
                    clientId: "....",
                    currency: "GBP",
                    country: "GB",
                    language: "en_GB",
                    translation: [
                            language: "en",
                            resource: {
                                confirm: "confirm",
                            language: "de",
                            resource: {
                                confirm: "bestätigen",
                    paymentMethodsConfiguration: [
                            code: "PAYPAL",
                            clientId: "sb",
                            style: {
                                size: "small",
                                color: "gold",
                                shape: "rect",
                                label: "checkout",
                            code: "PAYPAL_PAY_LATER",
                            clientId: "sb",
                            style: {
                                size: "small",
                                color: "gold",
                                shape: "rect",
                                label: "checkout",
                createTransactionDetails: function (requestData) {
                    return {
                        transactionId: "tr-" + new Date().getTime(),
                        country: "GB",
                        providerRequest: requestData,
                        payment: {
                            amount: 2,
                            currency: "GBP",
                            reference: "Payment #1",
                            longReference: {
                                essential: "Thank you for your purchase!",
                        products: [
                                name: "product 1 (green)",
                                amount: 2,
                customFunctions: {
                    getExpressList: ({ url, clientId, country }) => console.log(""),
                    createExpressPreset: ({ url, transaction, network, clientId }) => console.log(""),
                    updateExpressPreset: ({ url, transaction, network, longId }) => console.log(""),
                    cancelExpressPreset: ({ url, transaction, network, longId }) => console.log(""),
                    getExpressPresetAccount: ({ url, longId }) => console.log(""),
                    confirmExpressPreset: ({ url, network, longId }) => console.log(""),

                    onProceed: ({ preset, step, dispatch }) => console.log(""),
                    onAbort: ({ preset, step, dispatch }) => console.log(""),
                    onTryOtherNetwork: ({ preset, step, dispatch }) => console.log(""),
                    onTryOtherAccount: ({ preset, step, dispatch }) => console.log(""),
                    onReload: ({ preset, step, dispatch }) => console.log(""),
                    onRetry: ({ preset, step, dispatch }) => console.log(""),
                    onCustomerAbort: ({ preset, step, dispatch }) => console.log(""),
                    onClientException: ({ preset, step, dispatch }) => console.log(""),
                    onError: ({ resultInfo, network, step, dispatch }) => console.log(""),
            function showExpressCheckout(container) {
                var expressCheckout = optileExpressCheckout({
                    configuration: attributes.configuration,
                    createTransactionDetails: attributes.createTransactionDetails,
                    customFunctions: attributes.customFunctions,

                ReactDOM.render(expressCheckout, container);

Express component modes

The component currently has two modes:

  • 'Initial mode' (mode === null) is used for the stage or page in your shop where the 3rd party express buttons (such as "Checkout with PayPal" and similar) are shown to your customers. This can be, for example, on your cart page or on a single item details page.

  • 'Summary mode' (mode === "Summary") is used when the end-customer has already authenticated with the 3rd party provider, and a summary page with their cart contents, and any other information regarding the purchase is displayed before they finalise the order.

How to style Express Checkout

The following two classes are the ones you should consider styling:

  • payments-summary-confirm-button: The 'Confirm' button rendered on the summary "page" can be styled using this class in your page's CSS.

  • global-error: In case of error, Express Checkout will render a global error component, which displays a message. This component is hidden by default, but you can set it to visible and style it using CSS

More information about how to use ExpressCheckout Component

It is the main component to render express checkout widget

  • @param {Object} params it contains
    • @param {Object} configuration like in the example, it contains (baseURL, clientId, country, language, translation and paymentMethodsConfiguration)
    • @param {Function} createTransactionDetails is a function that will generate a transaction object used in createExpressPreset
    • @param {Object} customFunctions are your implementations for certain scenarios such as when errors occur. For more information, see below.
    • @param {String} mode indicates the mode of the component, default is null. See 'Express component modes' above.
    • @param {String} longId required in mode === "Summary". Is returned from a successful updateExpressPreset call.

server folder in demo

The server folder in demo folder is named so, because all the service calls and constants defined in that folder are to be called or available in the server side of the merchant. That's why even the merchant user name and token are set in the constants. This just means that these values are available in the server side. Just for demo purpose we have showcased the server side calls here. Otherwise these have to be called in the server side of merchant, not in the client side.

How to display shipping address and payment methods in Summary page

  • When you load summary page call getExpressPreset to fetch shipping address and payment details

  • It is a server side API so it has to be called from backend. It only needs longId which you already have

  • The response would have customerCollectedDetails.addresses.shipping, an object which contains the shipping address details

  • The response would have network which is the payment network used

  • The response would have products which is the purchased products details

  • You could use these details to display summary details in the summary page

How to charge payment and check for the payment status in Thankyou page

  • When you load thank you page call getExpressPreset to fetch charge URL

  • It is a server side API so it has to be called from backend. It only needs longId which you already have

  • From getExpressPreset API you would get response which has links.charge. This could be used to call the charge request which will initiate the payment

  • On the success of charge request, in response you could check for status.code. If this value is "charged" your payment is successful

  • You could use these details to decide what to be displayed on Thank you page. If its error case you could display some error message. If its success you could display the thank you message

More information about how to use customFunctions


Called in order to get the list of applicable payment methods, and is first step in initial mode (mode === null)

  • @param {Object} params it contains
    • @param {String} url
    • @param {String} clientId
    • @param {String} country


Called to create payment session, for example in PAYPAL it is passed under payment for loading Paypal button in initial mode (mode === null)

  • @param {Object} params it contains
    • @param {String} url
    • @param {Object} transaction result of createTransactionDetails function, mandatory prop for ExpressCheckout
    • @param {String} network payment code, for example: "PAYPAL"
    • @param {String} clientId


Called to update payment session, for example in PAYPAL it is passed under onAuthorize. Used in mode==null (first page)

  • @param {Object} params it contains
    • @param {String} url
    • @param {Object} transaction providerRequest
    • @param {String} network payment code, for example: "PAYPAL"
    • @param {String} longId


Called to cancel payment session, for example in PAYPAL, when the end customer click on cancel link. It is passed under onCancel. Used in mode==null (first page)

  • @param {Object} params it contains
    • @param {String} url
    • @param {Object} transaction providerRequest
    • @param {String} network payment code, for example: "PAYPAL"
    • @param {String} longId


Called to confirm preset account, for example in PAYPAL, when the end customer sees the information about the payment and click a button to confirm. It is used in onClick of Confirm button in mode==Summary (second page)

  • @param {Object} params it contains
    • @param {String} url
    • @param {String} network payment code, for example: "PAYPAL"
    • @param {String} longId


Called when the http request returns data.interaction.code === "PROCEED"

  • @param {Object} params it contains
    • @param {Object} preset
    • @param {String} step it indicates the current step for example Update, so the proceed function will know that we need to load confirm/summary mode
    • @param {Function} dispatch the dispatch function used in redux to modify the store, the actions structures should be known


Called when the http request returns data.interaction.code === "ABORT". For example when last payment method is used and failed

  • @param {Object} params it contains
    • @param {Object} preset
    • @param {String} step it indicates the current step for example Update
    • @param {Function} dispatch the dispatch function used in redux to modify the store, the actions structures should be known


Called when the http request returns data.interaction.code === "RELOAD"

  • @param {Object} params it contains
    • @param {Object} preset
    • @param {String} step it indicates the current step for example Update
    • @param {Function} dispatch the dispatch function used in redux to modify the store, the actions structures should be known


Called when the http request returns data.interaction.code === "RETRY".

  • @param {Object} params it contains
    • @param {Object} preset
    • @param {String} step it indicates the current step for example Update
    • @param {Function} dispatch the dispatch function used in redux to modify the store, the actions structures should be known


Called when the http request returns data.interaction.code === "TRY_OTHER_NETWORK".

  • @param {Object} params it contains
    • @param {Object} preset
    • @param {String} step it indicates the current step for example Update
    • @param {Function} dispatch the dispatch function used in redux to modify the store, the actions structures should be known


Called when the http request returns data.interaction.code === "TRY_OTHER_ACCOUNT".

  • @param {Object} params it contains
    • @param {Object} preset
    • @param {String} step it indicates the current step for example Update
    • @param {Function} dispatch the dispatch function used in redux to modify the store, the actions structures should be known


Called when the end user click on cancel, for example in Paypal popup

  • @param {Object} params it contains
    • @param {Object} preset
    • @param {String} step it indicates the current step for example Update
    • @param {Function} dispatch the dispatch function used in redux to modify the store, the actions structures should be known


Called when an exception or error happens. If set, onError function will be ignored

  • @param {Object} params it contains
    • @param {Object} preset
    • @param {String} step it indicates the current step for example Update
    • @param {Function} dispatch the dispatch function used in redux to modify the store, the actions structures should be known


Called when an exception or error happens. It is only used if onClientException is not set

  • @param {Object} params it contains
    • @param {Object} resultInfo
    • @param {String} network payment code, for example: "PAYPAL"
    • @param {String} step it indicates the current step for example Update
    • @param {Function} dispatch the dispatch function used in redux to modify the store, the actions structures should be known

dispatch parameter passed in most of customFunctions

The 'dispatch' parameter that exists in most of the customFunctions is the store's reducing function in Redux, please check this link for more information. It is not the most recommended way to make changes in the component, but it may be needed in some cases and the action keys and structure should be known.

When calling the dispatch function, pass an object that contains a type (the key or name of the action) and a payload that represents the changes.

var action = {
    payload: {
        baseURL: "",
        clientId: "",
        country: "",
        language: "",
        translation: [],
        paymentMethodsConfiguration: [],

Available actions:

To store the configuration:

    payload: {
        baseURL: "",
        clientId: "",
        country: "",
        language: "",
        translation: [],
        paymentMethodsConfiguration: []

To store the widget mode:

  type: "STOREMODE",
  payload: "Summary"

To store the longId:

  type: "STORELONGID",
  payload: "12345678901234567890"

LISTLOADING (when set to true) represents the state of waiting for a LIST response. It can be set to true or false this way:

  type: "LISTLOADING",
  payload: true

STORELIST is used to store the list of applicable networks as per the LIST response. Set it as per the following example:

  type: "STORELIST",
  payload: [
      code: "PAYPAL",
      label: "PayPal",

PRESETACCOUNTLOADING (when set to true) represents the state of waiting for the response to pre-setting an account. It can be set to true or false this way:

  payload: true

PRESETACCOUNT is used to store the preset account (typically the first step in Summary mode). Set it as per the following example:

  payload: {
    links: {
      confirm: "",
      self: ""
    resultInfo: "Pending; waiting for customer review and approval of payment details",
    interaction: {
      code: "PROCEED",
      reason: "TAKE_ACTION"
    redirect: {
      url: "",
      method: "GET",
      parameters: [
      type: "SUMMARY"
    network: "PAYPAL"

STOREDISPLAYGLOBALERROR determines if the error component is loaded, and should be set to true when an error is encountered.

  payload: true

STOREGLOBALERROR allows storing an error text which is displayed in case STOREDISPLAYGLOBALERROR is set to true. Set it as per the following example:

  payload: "An Error happens"

CONFIRMACCOUNTLOADING (when set to true) represents the state after the end-customer clicked the 'Confirm' button, and before receiving a response from the backend. It can be set to true or false this way:

  payload: true

CONFIRMACCOUNT is used to store the response from the backend that results from the confirmation call. Set it as per the following example:

  payload: {
    links: {
      self: ""
    resultInfo: "Approved; The payment is pending because it is part of an order that has been authorized but not settled; Merchant protection: None",
    interaction: {
      code: "PROCEED",
      reason: "OK"
    redirect: {
      url: "",
      method: "GET",
      parameters: [
      type: "RETURN"
    network: "PAYPAL"

Actions related to paypal:

  payload: "Payment Session Pending"

  payload: {
    links: {
      self: ""
    resultInfo: "Pending, you have to check the status later",
    interaction: {
      code: "PROCEED",
      reason: "PENDING"
    network: "PAYPAL",
    providerResponse: {
      providerCode: "PAYPAL",
      parameters: [

  payload: "12345678901234567890"

Steps to run demo that present the component usage

npm install

npm start

Open http://localhost:3000/

There is a possibility to use Docker compose for development, and this will make sure that you are running to a similar environment as the server

First to build, listen to changes and run the container on port 3000

docker-compose up

To find the id of the freshly running container

docker ps

To run an interactive bash on this container replace IdOfContainer with the id of freshly running container then you have the possibility to run test or npm start to watch for changes as well Note: "exit" to get out of bash

docker exec -it IdOfContainer sh

How to run Express Checkout build locally

  • npm install

  • npm run onlybuild - this creates the build in build and in demo/dist folders. Note that if you run npm run build that will trigger to publish in gh-pages

  • npm run serve - runs the build locally in the given port number in the serve script

  • open in browser http://localhost:3333

How to publish Express Checkout in gh-pages

  • npm run build

Steps to run test cases

npm test

Steps to run functional test cases locally

To run locally you'll need browser drivers.

For chrome - https://chromedriver.chromium.org/

For Firefox - https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases

For Safari - Go to Safari →develop → Allow Remote Automation

*Set PATH for drivers in bash_profile.

Set Up System Environment as below


Running Tests

For Chrome - npm run functional-test-local-chrome

For Safari - npm run functional-test-local-safari

For Firefox - npm run functional-test-local-firefox



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npm i @payoneer/express-checkout

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