
6.9.25 • Public • Published


This library provides functionalities to build a fully customizable events website that relies on an OpenAgenda JSON export as its events data source. Good working knowledge of sass, css and html is sufficient to get a customized website running.

Here are a few websites built with this library:

Handlebars is the main templating engine. Sass for styling. Default templates use Bootstrap 4

Table of contents:


For site users

  • Event search : mirrors search featured available on OpenAgenda by forwarding filters to the matching agenda JSON export
  • Event list pagination: event lists can be either paginated or loaded progressively as the user scrolls
  • Lateral navigation: When a search is made and an event is opened, the user can shuffle through events of the current search without going back to the list
  • Caching: redis caching

For developers

  • Bootstrap client: to start working on a sandbox project in a matter of minutes
  • Live reload for integrators: The portal reloads as templates or styles are customized on file saves
  • Structured event data: ready-to-use json+ld sets are ready for use on templates for search engine indexing
  • Filter widgets: Customizable map, tag, search field, calendar components
  • View variables: add ?data to current url to see available data for use in templates

Quick start

Here is a quick procedure to get you started on your agenda portal.

Prerequisites: You must have nodejs installed. Install was done with yarn so if you want to follow the procedure to the letter, install that too, but there is no reason why NPM should not work.

Create a new project and add agenda-portal in your dependencies:

mkdir yourproject
cd yourproject
yarn init --yes
yarn add @openagenda/agenda-portal

To get your project quickly operational, make sure you have the following information in hand:

  • uid: the unique identifier of the agenda the portal will get its events from
  • lang: the main language of your portal
  • key: your OpenAgenda account public key ( available in your user settings ).

Note: if the agenda portal is expected to run inside an iframe, answer "Yes" to the corresponding deploy question to activate additional scripts that will communicate with the parent page to adjust iframe height and url updates. See the iframe section below for details.

Run the deploy command:

yarn deploy

... and your portal should be ready. Launch it with:

yarn start

Once this is done, all files will be ready to be edited in your project. And .env file lists all project environment variables, which are overwritten by variables already declared on execution of the server script.

See it on your browser on port 3000 if you haven't changed the default port in server.js: localhost:3000

You can then edit handlebar templates available in the views folder and the sass files as you wish to adapt the portal design.


General options

These define general portal settings. Default options set in your server.js file are a good baseline.

  • assets: path to the assets folder
  • cache: Optional. Cache management related options. See below for details
  • defaultFilter: Optional. Set a filter to be applied to search when no other filter is set. For example: if featured events are displayed in a section other than the main list, it is not desired to load them in the list view at the first list load, to avoid displaying duplicate content.
  • eventsPerPage: Optional. Number of events to be loaded in the event list view. 20 is the default value
  • eventHook: Optional. event item parse function. Useful to transform event item data before it reaches the template. See more on this in the Customizing data section.
  • key: Required. OpenAgenda account public key
  • lang: Optional. Main portal language
  • map: map filter widget settings ( tiles, default center ... )
  • root: Required. website root. Used in production
  • sass: main sass file path
  • uid: Required. UID of the agenda
  • views: Required. Path to the handlebar views folder
  • refreshInterval: interval with which the cache is cleared in milliseconds. Defaults on 10006060 (1 hour)
  • iframable: false by default. True if the portal is to be displayed within an iframe.
  • tracking: enable or disable Google Analytics tracking. Set useAgendaGoogleAnalytics to true to activate Google Analytics tracking. CookieBannerLink is the URL of the link displayed in the cookie consent banner and defaults to the Google Analytics help URL.
  • longDescriptionFormat: Optional. HTMLWithEmbeds (default), markdown or HTML.
  • visibilityPastEvents: false by default. True if past events are to be displayed when the relative or temporal filter is specified

Cache options

  • refreshInterval: interval at which the cache is cleared. Every hour by default.

Templates and styling

Templates are written in handlebars. See official documentation for syntax details.

When working on your portal, you should only really need to edit files that are either:

  • In your sass folder for styling
  • In your views folder for templating
  • In your assets folder for static assets such as images or javascripts

Available data

For index and event pages. If you want insight on the data your are handling, add ?data to your URL. The call will load a json view of the data as given to the template.

Use JSON viewer plugin such as JSON Formatter


A helper is provided to handle multilingual labels. These are defined in a folder with one json file per locale: {localeName}.json. A sample is provided in the default project after a deploy. Each label in the json is associated with a code that can be referred to in the templates using the i18n helper:

{{i18n 'codeOfTheLabel'}}

Values can be passed to the helper:

  <span>{{i18n 'eventsTotal' total=total}}</span>

Labels set in the json locale files must follow the ICU Message syntax

By default, the folder containing multilingual label files is called i18.


Here are a few helpers that are available for use in the templates


Convert markdown content to HTML.

{{{mdToHtml '**This is bold**'}}}


Display data as JSON directly on the page. Useful to keep an eye on available data in a template.

<pre>{{json event.location null 2}}</pre>

Customizing data

A function can be passed to the main portal configuration in your server.js file under the eventHook key together with all the options of your portal instance. This function is evaluated on every event before it is passed on to event templates, list or full page. To illustrate:

// server.js

  eventHook: function(event) {
    // do stuff here
    event.slugWithStuff = event.slug + 'WithStuff';
    return event;

In the event template, you can now use:


A set of ready-to-use utilities is available through the module @openagenda/agenda-portal/utils:

  • decorateTimings: uses momentjs to decorate timings with custom formats
  • markdownToHTML: returns html content corresponding to the provided markdown
  • spreadRegistration: spreads registration values to specified keys according to their types
  • cloudimage: generates cloud image links for event images given cloudimage options
  • decorateOptionedFieldValues: replaces basic ids with { label, id, link } objects

utils - decorateTimings

Sometimes you want to display timings with specific formats. momentjs provides the functionality to achieve this, the decorateTimings utility makes it easily accessible in the event hook function:

const { decorateTimings } = require('@openagenda/agenda-portal/utils');

// in your event hook:
const timingsWithYear = decorateTimings(event.timings, 'Europe/Paris', [{
  src: 'begin',
  dst: 'year',
  format: 'YYYY'

event.timings = timingsWithYear;

The {{year}} can now be displayed in the templates where the timings list is looped over.

utils - markdownToHTML


const { markdownToHTML } = require('@openagenda/agenda-portal/utils');

// in your event hook:
event.html = markdownToHTML(event.longDescription.en);

utils - spreadRegistration

const { spreadRegistration } = require('@openagenda/agenda-portal/utils');

// in your event hook:
Object.assign(event, spreadRegistration(event.registration));

The following lists will be available in your templates:

  • registrationEmails
  • registrationLinks
  • registrationPhones

utils - cloudimage

Cloudimage is a service that makes it easy to format images on the fly according to your integration needs. This utility generates cloudimage links of the event image that can then be used in the templates.

const { cloudimage } = require('@openagenda/agenda-portal/utils');
const BASECILINK = 'https://{youraccountkey}.cloudimg.io/v7/';

// in your event hook
event.anotherImage = cloudimage(BASECILINK, { width: 400, grey: 1 } /* cloudimage options */);

For details on possible options, refer to the cloudimage documentation here. Options passed to the utility are integrated into the image link.

utils - decorateOptionedFieldValues

Use in the event hook.

Useful for agendas with optioned additional fields. By default, an additional field value is the id(s) of the option(s) selected for the evaluated event. Often, the need in templates is to display the corresponding label and provide a link allowing the user to limit results to all events matching that id.

Provide the event, the agenda configuration and the preferred languages as parameters as such:

const decoratedEvent = decorateOptionedFieldValues(event, { agenda, lang });

Navigation and filters


Map, calendar, search, list of choice and other types of filters can be placed on the page listing the events to facilitate content navigation.


Displays a map geolocating events. Place the following code where the map is to be displayed:

  searchMessage='rechercher quand je déplace la carte'
  tileAttribution='Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors'
  • className: classes to be assigned to the map container. The container should have a non-zero surface at initialization
  • searchMessage: text associated with search-on-move checkbox
  • searchWithMap: control whether search-on-move checkbox should be checked by default
  • tileUrl: map tiles to be used
  • tileAttribution: tiles attribution displayed on the bottom right of the map

Displays a date selector in the form of a days-of-the-month calendar. Place the following code where the selector is to be displayed:

{{filter type='dateRange' name='timings'}}

Displays a synthaxic search field.

{{filter type="search" name="search"}}

Displays a list of selectable values to filter the events from. This filter works for several event criterias: attendanceMode, relative, or any additional field of discrete choice type

{{filter type='choice' name='attendanceMode'}}
  • inputType: 'radio' for single selection or 'checkbox' for multiple selection
  • name: possible values are 'attendanceMode', 'relative' or any additional fields of discrete type (radio, checkbox, select...)
  • pageSize: 10 by default. Number of values to display by default and per subsequent load. If more than pageSize values exist, a "Load more options" is displayed to load following values
Additional fields

Fields specific to the agenda being displayed by the portal can be used to filter the content here.

A list of the available fields is displayed on the /schema static page of the default views.

Example of a choice filter based on an additional field category:

{{filter type='choice' name='category' inputType='radio'}}
Custom filters

Custom filters can be defined using the {{#customFilter}} helper. A filter is specified in a query prop and the html structure of the filter is fully customizable. Elements to display or to hide can be targeted through css.

  • query: The filter value when activated
  • activeClass: Class associated with the container div of the filter when it is active.
  • inactiveClass: Class associated with the container div of the filter when it is inactive.
  • className: Invariable class associated to the container div of the filter.
  • handlerSelector: selector used to target the element that will be listened for onclick events, toggling the filter between active and inactive states. By default, the container of the whole filter is listened.
  • activeFilterLabel: Label to display in the active filters widget when the custom filter is active.
Example 1: filtering on upcoming offline events

The following custom filter is defined to show ongoing and upcoming events that can be attended to at a physical location only:

  query=(object relative=(array 'current' 'upcoming') attendanceMode='1')
  className='custom-example checkbox'
  <label for="custom-example">
    <input type="checkbox" id="custom-example">
    En cours + à venir + hors ligne

If a checkbox input is inserted in the body of the custom filter and no handlerSelector is defined, the checkbox input is used to handle and show the state of the filter.

Example 2: filtering on events occurring on a specific date
  query=(object timings=(object gte='2021-06-23T22:00:00.000Z' lte='2021-06-24T21:59:59.999Z'))
  className='custom-example checkbox'
  <label for="jeudi">
    <input type="checkbox" id="jeudi">
    Jeudi 24 juin


Widgets display information relative to the current state of the search.

Active filters

Displays a list of currently activated filters (excluding any pre-filter defined in the server)

{{widget name='activeFilters' className='active-filters'}}
Total results

Displays the total of events matching the current selection

{{widget name='total' message='eventsTotal'}}
About filters

The filters library is published and documented here.

Progressive load

progressive load is deactivated by default. It can be enabled by setting a specific class on dom element containing the event list: js_progressive_load.

Instead of reloading a page when a navigation occurs, a script will perform an xhr query to retrieve the content of the next page, extract the items found in the js_progressive_load element and append it to the bottom of the list when it is reached.

Sideways event navigation

When a search is done on the main agenda page and an event is selected, it is loaded with a navigation context query parameter in its url. Sideway navigation links then allow the user to navigate from event to event within a same search without the need to go back to search result list.

The partial illustrating this is navigation.hbs


An event selection utility that stores a selection of events in the local storage of the user can be implemented using the following widget/filter codes. With this functionality, the user can select events as he navigates on the portal and then filter the list to see his selection.

To implement this on a portal, two components need to be added: one widget for adding/removing a favorite, another to filter the list to the favorites selection.

The feature is available on the default portal made available on a fresh installation and deploy.

Add/Remove a favorite

The component is associated with an event identifier. A typical implementation would see it placed on an event list item and another on the event page.

  <i class="far fa-star"></i>

In the example above, a star is displayed, full when the event is a favorite, empty when it isn't.

The required properties are:

  • eventUid: the event to be added or removed to/from the favorites selection
  • name: Must be "favorite"

The remaining properties function as the ones documented in the section dedicated to the custom filter.

Favorites filter

The component is a custom filter with a type set to "favorites". When clicked, the list filters on the favorites selection:

  className='custom-example checkbox'
  <label for="favorites">
    <input type="checkbox" id="favorites">

Other properties are documented in the section dedicated to the custom filter.


In some cases, an agenda portal project is integrated into an existing website by loading it within an iframe. In this case, a js controller that will handle iframe height adjustments and url updates needs to be associated to the iframe. This controller is a js file made available by the portal implementation: ${youportalurl}/js/oaPreviewController.js.

To illustrate, given a portal url https://myagendaportal.com, the iframe/controller code should look like this:

<iframe data-oa-portal="https://myagendaportal.com" allowtransparency="allowtransparency" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://myagendaportal.com/js/oaPortalController.js"></script>

You can use the iframe-canvas.html locally when working in a development environment to display the portal within an integrated page.


  • data-scroll-offset: when an event is opened, the page scrolls to the top of the page. Adjust positionning by specifying this offset.
  • allowtransparency, frameborder: avoid ugly borders and preset background on the iframe


If you need to display an extract / a preview of the content of the portal, say on the homepage of your website for example, where user can click on an event to be redirected to the full view on your portal, a preview template can be customized: preview.hbs. Once ready, it is to be pointed to by an iframe/js pair to be placed where you want to display the previewed events:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http(s)://portal-url.com/js/oaPreviewController.js"></script>

The specified iframe attributes:

  • data-oa-preview: route to the preview endpoint of your portal
  • data-target-url: base url where the portal is deployed
  • data-count: number of events to show in the preview
  • data-random-from-set: randomize selection of data-count events to display from a set of data-random-from-set events
  • data-target-iframe: set this attribute only if the portal is hosted within an iframe on the target page.
  • data-query: query to filter events to be displayed in preview widget
  • allowtransparency, frameborder: avoid ugly borders and preset background on the iframe


Static pages

Any static page can be added by placing a file in a pages subfolder of the views folder. The path will be the same as the name of the file.

Static pages have access to general portal configuration data.

Custom configuration

Values you add to the main Portal call in the server file are accessible in your templates. If you do this:

Portal( {
  yourOwnKey: 'Well hello there'
} );

You can access the value in a template like this:


This is useful if you need to specify additional account keys, such as google analytics for example, or a facebook page url...

Customizing event data

You may want to make some changes to the event data before it is provided to the template. This is achievable by providing an event item transform function when declaring the Portal:

Portal( {
  eventParser: ( event, { lang, moment } ) => {

    // do things to event here

    return event;

} );

For example, you may want to display the tags of a single tag group. You can target its tags by filtering on the tag group slug:

const _ = require( 'lodash' );

Portal( {
  eventParser: ( event, { lang, moment } ) => {

    event.categoryTags = _.get(
      event.tagGroups.filter( g => g.slug === 'categories' ),

    return event;

} );

It is then possible in an event item or page to target the group like this:

{{#each categoryTags}}
  <a href="?oaq[tags][]={{slug}}">{{label}}</span>


From 1.x.x to 2.0.0

  • In server.js: the Portal call returns an object containing the express app instead of the app itself. Replace .then( app => ... ) with .then( ( { app } ) => ... )

  • In server.js: ensure the protocol is specified in dev environment: http://localhost:3000 instead of localhost:3000

  • Timing labels have moved in a 'labels' key. For example, start.label becomes labels.start.time.

  • 2.0.0 provides a JSON LD for each timing and for each event. Add the following to your event template:

    <script type="application/ld+json"> {{{event.JSONLD}}} </script>


2.7.0 - 19/05/2020

  • Utilities for formatting events before they are handed to templates
  • Option to use v2 OpenAgenda JSON export

... other stuff.

2.0.0 - 08/07/2019

  • eventParser option is now called eventHook
  • added progressive load alternative to list view
  • added rich snippets to event view
  • miscellaneous refactors




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  • bertho-zero
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