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150 packages found
parses XML BMFont files into a JavaScript object
regl is a fast functional WebGL framework.
Geometries for 3D rendering, including normals, UVs and cell indices (faces). Perfect if you want to supercharge your dependency folder... with 30KB of geometries.
Transpile GLSL to JS
An octasphere geometry for 3D rendering, including normals, UVs and cell indices (faces).
An ellipsoid geometry for 3D rendering, including normals, UVs and cell indices (faces).
Transpile GLSL to JS
regl is a fast functional WebGL framework.
parses ASCII BMFont files to a JavaScript object
regl is a fast functional WebGL framework.
Get signed distance field for a svg path
injects a #define statement into a shader source
safely inject a block of tokens into a shader
an indexed quad mesh with normals and UVs
gets miter normals for a 2D polyline
a sphere mesh with normals, texture coordinates and indices
simple-gpu is a fast functional WebGPU framework.
triangulates a 2D polyline into a stroke
all the WebGL 1.0 constants
natural looking film grain using noise functions