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3393 packages found
Wrapper of the Sharp image manipulation library for Gatsby plugins
Manage document head data with react-helmet. Provides drop-in server rendering support for Gatsby.
Gatsby source plugin for building websites from local data. Markdown, JSON, images, YAML, CSV, and dozens of other data types supported.
Gatsby plugin which adds a manifest.webmanifest to make sites progressive web apps
Adds TypeScript support to Gatsby
Gatsby plugin that automatically creates pages from React components in specified directories
Adding responsive images to your site while maintaining high performance scores can be difficult to do manually. The Gatsby Image plugin handles the hard parts of producing images in multiple sizes and formats for you!
Gatsby plugin that automatically creates a sitemap for your site
MDX integration for Gatsby
Gatsby plugin which sets up a site to be able to run offline
Gatsby transformer plugin for images using Sharp
Gatsby plugin to handle SCSS/Sass files
Gatsby plugin to add support for Emotion
Intercepts local links from markdown and other non-react pages and does a client-side pushState to avoid the browser having to refresh the page.
Gatsby plugin to add support for styled components
Gatsby plugin to handle PostCSS
Creates an RSS feed for your Gatsby site.
Gatsby source plugin for building websites using Prismic as a data source
Gatsby plugin for integrating client-side Prismic previews support