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572 packages found
jassmine testsuite with support for async and require modules
A tool to create a redux reducer composition tree
data-driven http rest server
Mocking middleware for Qewl
Delightful JavaScript Testing.
For front-end developers who need a quick back-end for fake data.
Customizable REST JSON server based on objects
A helper utility that allows you to create redux form validations.
For front-end developers who need a quick back-end for mock data.
Veryfine that your code works. A delightful expect-style assertion and mocking library
Synchronous shell scripting for Node.js.
Simplified dependency injection and service mocking.
Allows to mock the commonjs simulated es6 modules generated by tsc
Adds the possibility to mock graphql requests when using cypress with angular and apollo-graphql
Stupidly simple stubbing/mocking for your require statements.
A simple mock interface specifically for testing code relying on Sequelize models
Keep on mocking in the free world
AJAX Testing Stub Library
Makes the behavior of your discord bot testable
Makes the behavior of your discord bot testable