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132 packages found
Codius Certificate Authority (CA) implementation
Merkle Tree data structure in Javascript
Set of functions for creating Merkle Tree, proofs and verifying proofs using binary data
Horizontally Scalable EventEmitter powered by a Merkle DAG
Patricia Tree solidity implemenation
Node.js SDK for immudb written in TypeScript
Create merkle trees, generate merkle proofs, and verify merkle proofs.
An example Merkle tree implementation.
Merkle Tree implementation in NodeJS
JavaScript implementation of a Merkle Tree.
Tools for creating merkle trees, generating merkle proofs, and verification of merkle proofs. Added SHA3 Keccak support. Forked from
Verify Bitcoin Merkle trees (BIP37)
Construct Merkle Trees and verify proofs
Tools for creating merkle trees, generating merkle proofs, and verification of merkle proofs.
Merkle tree optimized for lists of sequentially appended data and its proofs
A library for processing Keybase's signature tree
Solidity implementation of partial merkle tree
Merkle proof for a Bitcoin transaction
sec blockchain merkle tree lib
Fixed depth merkle tree implementation with sequential inserts