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116 packages found
Detect the file type of a Buffer/Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer. Fork of allowing custom detectors. May be removed once this feature is merged into the original repo.
kafka avro serialization
Generate mock messages from an avro schema
kafka avro serialization
My Kafka package is a lightweight and reliable package that helps you to easily consume and produce messages in AWS MSK (Managed Streaming for Kafka) with Schema Registry support.
Allow request Confluent schema registry with multiple brokers in mean time
This project is a clone of mtth/avsc repo with modifications required by CDAP
A Kafka client and Avro (de)serializer library based on node-rdkafka
A librairy to generate predicable JSON sample from an avsc type
High performance multi-consumer messaging framework.
Confluent Schema Registry serdes that use avro schemas.
Helper functions to convert JSON objects to Avro according to your schema. And back to JSON.
Typescript class decorators to model your avro schema
Avro Schema constructor
KafkaJS + unopinionated Avro encoding/decoding based on subject and version
Package for converting Avro schema files (.avsc) to TypeScript interface files