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Webpack Extract Translation Keys Plugin (Regex version)

This plugin is based on webpack-extract-translation-keys. It works in a completely different way, but it shares the concept and some of the source code, so I leave the original copyright info in files.

Webpack provides an official plugin for managing translation using i18n-webpack-plugin, but in only allows for build-time translations by replacing strings in the source code.

This plugin serves a similar purposes, but instead of replacing translation keys with actual string values it just collects translation keys allowing you to know exactly which translations are necessary for your client side.

Approach like this also allows to provide dynamically generated translation bundles to the client allowing you to get real-time updates to translation without regenerating whole client side bundle.

Differences from webpack-extract-translation-keys plugin

This plugin works directly on bundle's source code by searching (and optionally replacing) translation keys using regular expressions.

This approach has some advantages against using the webpack's parser very limited api. It can find the translation key anywhere in the bundle code. This comes with some small drawback, which may limit the use to particular use cases.


  • It finds translation keys everywhere, not only withing pure function calls. For example, the webpack parser cannot find translation key in this structure:
  intl.translate("some key)
  • It can extract keys from any structure - this depends only on the regex provided.
  • It can extract translation keys per bundle and even per compilation child.
  • The key generator has been changed to use only alphanumeric characters. Just in case.


  • It is quite dumb... It is just smart enough not to search in anything else than js/jsx/ts files, and not inside node_modules folder (this behaviour is configurable).

    Althrough it will still find/replace the translation key in anything that looks like a proper translation function. So you have to choose the function name wisely.

    For example the translate() method name is not the best choice. The plugin will run through everything in the bundle, including comments, embedded strings, etc. So if your pattern looks for translate(''), then things like jQuery("<div style=\"transform: translate('-50px')\">") will get matched too.

This version of plugin is particularly useful in large applications (splitting per bundle functionality) that use object oriented approach (for example react-intl). See examples below.



First you need to install plugin:

npm install --save-dev webpack-extract-translation-keys-regex-plugin

And then include it in your configuration:

// webpack.config.js
var ExtractTranslationKeysPlugin = require('webpack-extract-translation-keys-regex-plugin');
module.exports = {
    plugins: [
        new extractTranslationKeysRegexPlugin({
            // matches first property in intl.formatMessage call
            // matching escaped quotes method from here: http://stackoverflow.com/a/5696141
            functionPattern: /intl\.formatMessage\(\s*{\s*id:\s*(?:"([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)(")|'([^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*)('))/gm,
            output: path.join(PATHS.build, 'translation-keys.json')
    // rest of your configuration...

The above config works fine with formatMessage from react-intl: https://github.com/yahoo/react-intl/wiki/API#formatmessage

Now inside your module you can write something like this:

console.log(intl.formatMessage({ id: 'translation-key-1' }));
console.log(intl.formatMessage({ id: 'translation-key-1' }));

If you run webpack now, you should get dist/translation-keys.json file with following content:

    "translation-key-1": "translation-key-1",
    "translation-key-2": "translation-key-2"

It may seems like a waste to output a map with the keys and values being the same thing, the purpose is to keep the output format consistent with the times when the mangle option is enabled.

WARNING: the format of the output without mangling has changed from array to a map since version 2.x. If you want to have old behavior, you can implement it using done callback option.

Key Mangling

In some applications translation keys are quite long, so for the situations where you want to save some additional bytes in your application, you can enable mangling during the plugin initialization:

// ...
    plugins: [
        new extractTranslationKeysRegexPlugin({
            functionPattern: /intl\.formatMessage\(\s*{\s*id:\s*(?:"([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)(")|'([^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*)('))/gm,
            functionReplace: 'intl.formatMessage({id:$2$1$2',
            mangle: true,
            output: path.join(PATHS.build, 'translation-keys.json')
// ...

This setting changes the behavior of the plugin to replace the key name with a minimal ascii-readable string.

In order to be able to map back to the original translation key, the plugin outputs mapping object with keys being mangle keys and the values being the original ones:

{"0": "translation-key-1", "1": "translation-key-2"}

It's recommended to only enable mangling for production builds, as it makes the debugging harder and also may break hot reloading, depending on your setup.


- functionPattern

Default value: /gettext\(\s*(?:"([^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*)(")|'([^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*)('))/gm

This should be a regular expression object or simply a string. Plugin will internally enforce "g" and "m" flags on the provided regexp.

The expression must have at least one outputting group block.

By default the first and third group block one is considered to be the translation key. That's because of the default functionPattern that matches two versions of gettext - with " and ' quotes used.

You can change this to be any block by modifying the groupIndex option.

- groupIndex

Default value: [1, 3]

Specifies which group block from functionPattern contains the translation key. This can be integer or array of integers.

If multiple indexes are provided - the first group which returns a value will be used. At least one group must return value unless plugin will throw an error.

- moduleFilter

Default value:


This specifies which modules to search in.

By default this configures the plugin to look for translations only in .js, .jsx and .ts files which are not in node_module folder.

It works by checking module path. An array of regular expressions is matched one after another agains the filename, and if any of them returns no match, plugin skips the file. If all of them matched - translation keys will be extracted from given module.

One thing to note here is that these regular expressions work in "chain" - starting from the full filename path, and then each next regular expression gets the output from the last group from previous regular expression. So if your moduleFilter looks like this:


it will work like this:

file: foobar.js - not matched
file: foobar11.js - not matched
file: foobar12.css - not matched
file: foobar12.js - mathed

To specify what "module path" means:

When you import/require anything into your code it becomes a "module" in webpack's compiler. The compiler then expands the requested path (including all the loaders defined in the path). Then this expanded module path is checked by moduleFilter.

So consider this example:

import myComponent from ("./src/components/myComponent")

The expanded path will look something like this:


But if you use inline loaders the module paths gets more complicated, for example:


That's why the default value for this option is a bit more complicated regular expression than one may expect.

- output

Default value: false

You must provide this option if you want the plugin to save the translation keys info file/files.

There are tags that can be included in the name:

  • [chunk] - this gets replaced with chunk name
  • [child] - this gets replaced with compilation child name

Example output values:

  • translation-keys.js - simply put everything into single file
  • translation-keys-[chunk].js - use this if your webpack config produces multiple chunks and you want to have the output splited into file per chunk (separate file will be created for "common" chunk as well).
  • translation-keys-[child]-[chunk].js - use this if your webpack is configured for multiple runs ("childs").

If you use multiple children configuration, don't forget to add child name:

foobarConfig = {
  name: 'foobarApp', // <----- this wil be value of [child[
  entry: {
    foo: PATHS.root + '/apps/foo.js', <--- "foo" will be value of [chunk]
    bar: PATHS.root + '/apps/bar.js'
helloWorldConfig = {
  name: 'helloWorldApp',
  entry: {
    helloWorld: PATHS.root + '/apps/helloWorld.js'

(... some common things here ...)

translationConfig = {
  plugins: [
    new extractTranslationKeysRegexPlugin({
      output: path.join(PATHS.build, 'translation-keys-[child]-[chunk].json')

module.exports = [
  merge(commonConfig, foobarConfig, translationConfig),
  merge(commonConfig, helloWorldConfig, translationConfig)
If you use mangling and multiple child compilation

Please note that when webpack is configured in such way it actually run's the webpack-extract-translation-keys-regex plugin twice. So the second go has no idea where the last translation keys generator stopped. Thus the translation keys will start from "0" in both child compilations.

- mangle

Default value: false

Enables mangling of translation keys. When enabled the functionReplace option is required.

- functionReplace

Default value: gettext($2$4$1$3$2$4

This option specifies the replacement for the functionPattern when mangling translation keys. It is required if you use mangling.

Please note that if some group returns undefined it is changed to empty string, so you can easily use output from multiple groups even if they don't match anything in the string.

You can also use this option to change the function name if you like to.

- done

Default value: function (result, stats) {}

Provided parameters:

  • result - an array of translation keys grouped per output chunk.
  • stats - statistics provided from webpack about the build results

You can provide your own function that will be applied after the plugin done his job. Providing this function does not turn off default plugin done function. If you want to disable the default behaviour simply don't provide the output configuration parameter.

Error handling

Plugin throws an error if provided functionPattern doesn't have group that matches the translation key. It will also refuse to run if you don't provide functionReplace when mangling is turned on.


  • add tests
  • add handling the "on change" event when in watch mode
  • do some more testing...


Copyright 2016 Kamil Tunkiewicz and 2015 Dmitriy Kubyshkin

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.



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