
1.0.2 • Public • Published

This project is a authentication page with built-in buttons

This package is currently only maintained for Expo managed React Native projects, support for bare React Native projects is coming soon


Add the dependency:

npm i volkeno-react-native-auth


yarn add volkeno-react-native-auth


Peer Dependencies

IMPORTANT! You need install them.
 "react": "^16.0.0-beta.5",
 "react-native": "^0.49.1"

Basic Usage

First step: import the component:

import { Login } from "volkeno-react-native-auth";

Second step: Use the login

export default function App() {
  const [showPassword, setShowPassword] = React.useState(false);
  const [email, setEmail] = React.useState("");
  const [password, setPassword] = React.useState("");
  const [errors, setErrors] = React.useState({});

  const submit = async () => {
    Alert.alert("Félicitation", "Connexion réussie");

  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
        forgotPasswordText={"Mot de passe oublié ?"}
        textRedirectRegisterStyle={{ color: "red" }}

Here we have a function which reacts when the connect button is clicked. showPassword and setShowPassword allows you to activate or deactivate the visibility of the password.

email and setEmail allows you to enter and modify the email variable when typing it.

password and setPassword are used to enter and modify the password variable when typed.

the variables errors and setErrors are mandatory. They allow you to display errors when validating the email and password

Configuration - Props

Props require

Property Type Default Description
showPassword boolean false Activate to see the password
setShowPassword function void Called for allows you to activate or deactivate the visibility of the password.
email string - Enter email address
setEmail function void Called for allows you to enter and modify the email variable when typing it.
password string - Enter Password
setPassword function void Used to enter and modify the password variable when typed.
errors object void Object used to store email and password validation errors
setErrors function void They allow you to display errors when validating the email and password
OnSubmit function void Function that reacts when the connect button is clicked.

Other props

Property Type Default Description
title string "Connexion" change connection text
forgotPasswordText string - Put a forgotten password text
pressForgotPassword function void handle forgotPasswordText button is pressed
colorIconPassword color "#2FCA74" eye color
textConnexion string "SE CONNECTER" change text on login button
leftIconPassword function void put a key icon 🔑 for the password
leftIconEmail function void put a mail icon 📧 for the email address
textRedirectRegister string - Allow to put a text which will make it possible to make a redirection towards the page of registration
pressRedirectRegister function void handle textRedirectRegister button is pressed

Styles props

Property Type Default Description
styles style {flex: 1, paddingHorizontal: 20} modify or replace the default style of the entire page
textRedirectRegisterStyle style { color: "#2FCA74",textAlign: "center",fontSize: 14 } change or override the default styling for textRedirectRegister
connexionButtonStyle style {backgroundColor: "#2FCA74",height: 50,minWidth: "100%",paddingHorizontal: 25} modify or replace the default style of the connexion button
connexionTitleStyle style {color: "white",fontWeight: "bold",letterSpacing: 1,ontSize: 14} change or override the default styling for login text
titleStyle style {marginVertical: 30,fontWeight: "bold",color: "#454545",fontSize: 36,textAlign: "center", change or override the default styling for connexion text
forgotPasswordTextStyle style { color: "#454545" } hange or override the default styling forgotPasswordText
export default function App() {
  const [showPassword, setShowPassword] = React.useState(false);
  const [email, setEmail] = React.useState("");
  const [password, setPassword] = React.useState("");
  const [errors, setErrors] = React.useState({});

  const submit = async () => {
    Alert.alert("Félicitation", "Connexion réussie");

  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
        pressForgotPassword={() => {
          Alert.alert("change passWord");
        pressRedirectRegister={() => {
          Alert.alert("redirect regidter");
        forgotPasswordText={"Mot de passe oublié ?"}
          color: "red",
          textAlign: "center",
          color: "red",
          marginVertical: 30,
          fontWeight: "bold",
          fontSize: 36,
          textAlign: "center",
        textConnexion={"Je me connect"}
          <Icon name="ios-lock-open-outline" size={20} color={Colors.bgApp2} />
          <Icon name="mail-outline" size={20} color={Colors.bgApp2} />
        textRedirectRegisterStyle={{ color: "red" }}
        textRedirectRegister="Je n'ai pas encore de compte"

Social props

Property Type Default Description
facebook boolean false Activate to see the facebook button
google boolean false Activate to see the google button
registerSocialSubmit function void Function that reacts when one of the social media buttons is clicked
facebookAppId string - this is the AppId for Facebook. It is obligatory
iosClientId string - this is the iosClientId for Google. It is obligatory
androidClientId string - this is the androidClientId for Google. It is obligatory
iosStandaloneAppClientId string - this is the iosStandaloneAppClientId for Google. It is obligatory
androidStandaloneAppClientId string - this is the androidStandaloneAppClientId for Google. It is obligatory


Peer Dependencies

IMPORTANT! You need install them.
 "react": "^16.0.0-beta.5",
 "react-native": "^0.49.1"

Basic Usage

First step: import the component:

import { Register } from "volkeno-react-native-auth";

Second step: Use the register

export default function App() {
  const [showPassword, setShowPassword] = React.useState(false);
  const [email, setEmail] = React.useState("");
  const [password, setPassword] = React.useState("");
  const [password_confirmation, setPassword_confirmation] = React.useState("");
  const [errors, setErrors] = React.useState({});

  const submit = async () => {
    Alert.alert("Félicitation", "Connexion réussie");

  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
        textRedirectLogin="Je n'ai pas encore de compte"

Here we have a function which reacts when the connect button is clicked. showPassword and setShowPassword allows you to activate or deactivate the visibility of the password.

email and setEmail allows you to enter and modify the email variable when typing it.

password and setPassword are used to enter and modify the password variable when typed.

the variables errors and setErrors are mandatory. They allow you to display errors when validating the email and password

Configuration - Props

Props require

Property Type Default Description
showPassword boolean false Activate to see the password
setShowPassword function void Called for allows you to activate or deactivate the visibility of the password.
email string - Enter email address
setEmail function void Called for allows you to enter and modify the email variable when typing it.
password string - Enter password
setPassword function void Used to enter and modify the password variable when typed.
password_confirmation string - Enter Password Confirmation
setPassword_confirmation function void Used to enter and modify the Password Confirmation variable when typed.
errors object void Object used to store email and password validation errors
setErrors function void They allow you to display errors when validating the email and password
OnSubmit function void Function that reacts when the registration button is clicked.

Other props

Property Type Default Description
title string "Connexion" change connection text
colorIconPassword color "#2FCA74" eye color
textButtonRegister string "S'inscrire" change text on register button
leftIconPassword function void put a key icon 🔑 for the password
leftIconEmail function void put a mail icon 📧 for the email address
leftIconFirstName function void put an icon at firstName
leftIconLastName function void put an icon at lastName
leftIconAdresse function void put an icon at adresse
leftIconPhone function void put a phone icon 📞 for phone
textRedirectLogin string "Je suis déjà inscrit" Allow to put a text which will make it possible to make a redirection towards the page of connection
pressRedirectLogin function void handle textRedirectLogin button is pressed
first_name string false enter first_name if it exists
last_name string false enter last_name if it exists
phone string false enter phone if it exists
adresse string false enter adresse if it exists
setFirstName function void Called for allows you to enter and modify the first_name variable when typing it
setLastName function void Called for allows you to enter and modify the last_name variable when typing it
setPhone function void Called for allows you to enter and modify the phone variable when typing it
setAdresse function void Called for allows you to enter and modify the adresse variable when typing it
labelEmail string "Adresse mail" Change the Email label
labelPassword string "Mot de Passe" Change the password label
labelPassword_confirmation string "Confirmer mot de passe" Change the Password Confirmation label
labelFirstName string "Prénom" Change the first_name label if first_name exists
labelLastName string "Nom" Change the last_name label if last_name exists
labelPhone string "Téléphone" Change the phone label if phone exists
labelAdresse string "Adresse" Change the adresse label if adresse exists

Styles props

Property Type Default Description
styles style {flex: 1, paddingHorizontal: 20} modify or replace the default style of the entire page
textRedirectLoginStyle style { color: "#2FCA74",textAlign: "center",fontSize: 14 } change or override the default styling for textRedirectLogin
connexionButtonStyle style {backgroundColor: "#2FCA74",height: 50,minWidth: "100%",paddingHorizontal: 25} modify or replace the default style of the connexion button
connexionTitleStyle style {color: "white",fontWeight: "bold",letterSpacing: 1,ontSize: 14} change or override the default styling for login text
titleStyle style {marginVertical: 30,fontWeight: "bold",color: "#454545",fontSize: 36,textAlign: "center", change or override the default styling for connexion text

Social props

Property Type Default Description
facebook boolean false Activate to see the facebook button
google boolean false Activate to see the google button
registerSocialSubmit function void Function that reacts when one of the social media buttons is clicked
facebookAppId string - this is the AppId for Facebook. It is obligatory
iosClientId string - this is the iosClientId for Google. It is obligatory
androidClientId string - this is the androidClientId for Google. It is obligatory
iosStandaloneAppClientId string - this is the iosStandaloneAppClientId for Google. It is obligatory
androidStandaloneAppClientId string - this is the androidStandaloneAppClientId for Google. It is obligatory

Forgot Password

Peer Dependencies

IMPORTANT! You need install them.
 "react": "^16.0.0-beta.5",
 "react-native": "^0.49.1"

Basic Usage

First step: import the component:

import { RequestPasswordReset } from "volkeno-react-native-auth";

Second step: Use the RequestPasswordReset

export default function App() {
  const [email, setEmail] = React.useState("");
  const [errors, setErrors] = React.useState({});

  const submit = async () => {
    Alert.alert("Félicitation", "Connexion réussie");

  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>

Props require

Property Type Default Description
email string - Enter email address
setEmail function void Called for allows you to enter and modify the email variable when typing it.
errors object void Object used to store email and password validation errors
setErrors function void They allow you to display errors when validating the email and password
OnSubmit function void Function that reacts when the registration button is clicked.

Other props

Property Type Default Description
title string "Veuillez entrer votre email Nous vous enverrons un lien pour modifier le mot de passe" change connection text
leftIconEmail function void put a mail icon 📧 for the email address
textRedirectLogin string "Je suis déjà inscrit" Allow to put a text which will make it possible to make a redirection towards the page of connection
pressRedirectLogin function void handle textRedirectLogin button is pressed
labelEmail string "Adresse mail" Change the Email label
textValidate string "Valider" change text on validate button

Styles props

Property Type Default Description
styles style {flex: 1, paddingHorizontal: 20} modify or replace the default style of the entire page
textRedirectLoginStyle style { color: "#2FCA74",textAlign: "center",fontSize: 14 } change or override the default styling for textRedirectLogin
connexionButtonStyle style {backgroundColor: "#2FCA74",height: 50,minWidth: "100%",paddingHorizontal: 25} modify or replace the default style of the connexion button
connexionTitleStyle style {color: "white",fontWeight: "bold",letterSpacing: 1,ontSize: 14} change or override the default styling for login text
titleStyle style {marginVertical: 30,fontWeight: "bold",color: "#454545",fontSize: 36,textAlign: "center", change or override the default styling for connexion text

after that you can use ResetPassword


Peer Dependencies

IMPORTANT! You need install them.
 "react": "^16.0.0-beta.5",
 "react-native": "^0.49.1"

Basic Usage

First step: import the component:

import { Login } from "volkeno-react-native-auth";

Second step: Use the login

export default function App() {
  const [email, setEmail] = React.useState("");
  const [code, setCode] = React.useState("");
  const [password, setPassword] = React.useState("");
  const [confrimPassword, setConfrimPassword] = React.useState("");
  const [errors, setErrors] = React.useState({});

  const submit = async () => {
    Alert.alert("Félicitation", "Connexion réussie");

  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>

Props require

Property Type Default Description
showPassword boolean false Activate to see the password
setShowPassword function void Called for allows you to activate or deactivate the visibility of the password.
email string - Enter email address
setEmail function void Called for allows you to enter and modify the email variable when typing it.
code string - Enter the code you received
setCode function void Called for allows you to enter and modify the code variable when typing it.
password string - Enter Password
setPassword function void Used to enter and modify the password variable when typed.
confrimPassword string - Enter Password Confirmation
setPassword function void Used to enter and modify the password variable when typed.
setConfrimPassword function void Used to enter and modify the password Confirmation variable when typed.
errors object void Object used to store email and password validation errors
setErrors function void They allow you to display errors when validating the email and password
OnSubmit function void Function that reacts when the connect button is clicked.

Other props

Property Type Default Description
title string "Veuillez entrer votre code puis modifier votre mot de passe" change connection text
colorIconPassword color "#2FCA74" eye color
textValidate string "Valider" change text on validate button
leftIconPassword function void put a key icon 🔑 for the password
leftIconEmail function void put a mail icon 📧 for the email address
leftIconCode function void put a icon for the code
labelCode string "Code" Change the Code label
labelEmail string "Adresse mail" Change the Email label
labelPassword string "Nouveau Mot de Passe" Change the password label
labelConfrimPassword string "Confirmer Nouveau Mot de Passe" Change the Password Confirmation label

Styles props

Property Type Default Description
styles style {flex: 1, paddingHorizontal: 20} modify or replace the default style of the entire page
connexionButtonStyle style {backgroundColor: "#2FCA74",height: 50,minWidth: "100%",paddingHorizontal: 25} modify or replace the default style of the connexion button
connexionTitleStyle style {color: "white",fontWeight: "bold",letterSpacing: 1,ontSize: 14} change or override the default styling for login text
titleStyle style {marginVertical: 30,fontWeight: "bold",color: "#454545",fontSize: 36,textAlign: "center", change or override the default styling for connexion text

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npm i volkeno-react-native-auth

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1.08 MB

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  • volkenomaker