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Topology Runner


runTopology(spec: Spec, options?: Options) => Response

type Response = {
  start(): Promise<void>
  stop(): void
  emitter: EventEmitter<Events, any>
  getSnapshot(): Snapshot

Run a topology consisting of a DAG (directed acyclic graph).

Work nodes have a run fn that takes an object with the following shape:

interface RunInput {
  data: any
  updateState: UpdateState
  state?: any
  context?: any
  node: string
  signal: AbortSignal

The flow of a DAG begins with nodes with no dependencies. More generally, when a node's dependencies are met it will be run. Data does does not flow incrementally. A node must complete in entirety before a node that depends on it will run.

If a node throws an error it will be caught and no further processing on that node or it's dependencies will be done. Parallel nodes will continue to run until they either complete or throw an error.

An event emitter emits a new "data" snapshot every time a node is started, completed, skipped, suspended, errors, or updates its state. Use getSnapshot to get the final snapshot, regardless of whether the topology fails or succeeds. An "error" or "done" event will be emitted when the DAG either fails to complete or sucessfully completes. Note that the outputted snapshot is mutated internally for efficiency and should not be modified.

To gracefully shut down a topology call the stop function and handle the abort signal in your run functions by throwing an exception.

import { runTopology, Spec } from 'topology-runner'
import { setTimeout } from 'node:timers/promises'

const spec: Spec = {
  api: {
    deps: [],
    run: async () => [1, 2, 3],
  details: {
    deps: ['api'],
    run: async ({ data, state, updateState }) => {
      data = data.flat()
      const ids: number[] = state ? data.slice(state.index + 1) : data
      const output: Record<number, string> = state ? state.output : {}

      for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
        const id = ids[i]
        // Simulate work
        await setTimeout(10)
        // Real world scenario below
        // const description = await fetch(someUrl)
        output[id] = `description ${id}`
        // Update the state for resume scenario
        updateState({ index: i, output })
      return output
  attachments: {
    deps: ['api'],
    run: async ({ data, state, updateState }) => {
      data = data.flat()
      const ids: number[] = state ? data.slice(state.index + 1) : data
      const output: Record<number, string> = state ? state.output : {}

      for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
        const id = ids[i]
        // Simulate work
        await setTimeout(8)
        // Real world scenario below
        // const attachment = await fetch(someUrl)
        output[id] = `file${id}.jpg`
        // Update the state for resume scenario
        updateState({ index: i, output })
      return output
  writeToDB: {
    deps: ['details', 'attachments'],
    // Time out after 5 minutes
    // Abort signal will abort below causing the promise to reject
    timeout: 1000 * 60 * 5,
    run: async ({ data, state, updateState, signal }) => {
      const [details, attachments] = data
      const keys = Object.keys(details)
      const ids = state ? keys.slice(state.index + 1) : keys

      for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
        // Throw if timeout occurred
        if (signal.aborted) {
          throw new Error('Timed out')

        // Simulate work
        await setTimeout(50)
        const id = ids[i]
        const detail = details[id]
        const attachment = attachments[id]
        const doc = { detail, attachment }
        // Write to datastore
        // await mongo.collection('someColl').insertOne(doc)
        // Update the state for resume scenario
        updateState({ index: i })

const { start, emitter, getSnapshot } = runTopology(spec)

const persistSnapshot = (snapshot) => {
  // Could be Redis, MongoDB, etc.
  // writeToDataStore(snapshot)
  console.dir(snapshot, { depth: 10 })

// Persist to a datastore for resuming. See below.
emitter.on('data', persistSnapshot)

try {
  // Wait for the topology to finish
  await start()
} finally {
  // Persist the final snapshot
  await persistSnapshot(getSnapshot())

A successful run of the above will produce a snapshot that looks like this:

  "status": "completed",
  "started": "2022-05-20T17:16:48.531Z",
  "dag": {
    "api": { "deps": [] },
    "details": { "deps": ["api"] },
    "attachments": { "deps": ["api"] },
    "writeToDB": { "deps": ["details", "attachments"] }
  "data": {
    "api": {
      "started": "2022-05-20T17:16:48.532Z",
      "input": [],
      "status": "completed",
      "output": [1, 2, 3],
      "finished": "2022-05-20T17:16:48.533Z"
    "details": {
      "started": "2022-05-20T17:16:48.534Z",
      "input": [[1, 2, 3]],
      "status": "completed",
      "state": {
        "index": 2,
        "output": {
          "1": "description 1",
          "2": "description 2",
          "3": "description 3"
      "output": {
        "1": "description 1",
        "2": "description 2",
        "3": "description 3"
      "finished": "2022-05-20T17:16:48.566Z"
    "attachments": {
      "started": "2022-05-20T17:16:48.534Z",
      "input": [[1, 2, 3]],
      "status": "completed",
      "state": {
        "index": 2,
        "output": {
          "1": "file1.jpg",
          "2": "file2.jpg",
          "3": "file3.jpg"
      "output": {
        "1": "file1.jpg",
        "2": "file2.jpg",
        "3": "file3.jpg"
      "finished": "2022-05-20T17:16:48.562Z"
    "writeToDB": {
      "started": "2022-05-20T17:16:48.567Z",
      "input": [
          "1": "description 1",
          "2": "description 2",
          "3": "description 3"
          "1": "file1.jpg",
          "2": "file2.jpg",
          "3": "file3.jpg"
      "status": "completed",
      "state": {
        "index": 2
      "finished": "2022-05-20T17:16:48.722Z"
  "finished": "2022-05-20T17:16:48.722Z"

Running a subset of a DAG

Sometimes you might want to skip one or more nodes in a DAG. Say, for example, the first node downloads a file and the second node processes that file. You may want to reprocess the file without downloading it again. To do that you can use either the includeNodes or excludeNodes option with some input data.

The computed DAG after either including or excluding nodes will be outputted with the snapshot, making it easy to resume that topology.

// Using includeNodes
runTopology(spec, { includeNodes: ['processFile'], data: ['123', '456'] })
// Using excludeNodes
runTopology(spec, { excludeNodes: ['downloadFile'], data: ['123', '456'] })


resumeTopology(spec: Spec, snapshot: Snapshot) => Response

Allows you to resume a topology from a previously emitted snapshot. Each node should maintain its state via the updateState callback.

import { resumeTopology } from 'topology-runner'

const { start, emitter } = resumeTopology(spec, snapshot)
await start()

Below is an example snapshot where an error occurred. The DAG can be rerun, resuming where a node did not complete. In this example, api and details will NOT be rerun, but attachments would. See tests for a resume node design pattern.

  "status": "errored",
  "started": "2022-05-20T14:47:47.372Z",
  "dag": {
    "api": { "deps": [] },
    "details": { "deps": ["api"] },
    "attachments": { "deps": ["api"] },
    "writeToDB": { "deps": ["details", "attachments"] }
  "data": {
    "api": {
      "started": "2022-05-20T14:47:47.373Z",
      "input": [],
      "status": "completed",
      "output": [1, 2, 3],
      "finished": "2022-05-20T14:47:47.373Z"
    "details": {
      "started": "2022-05-20T14:47:47.373Z",
      "input": [[1, 2, 3]],
      "status": "completed",
      "output": {
        "1": "description 1",
        "2": "description 2",
        "3": "description 3"
      "finished": "2022-05-20T14:47:47.373Z"
    "attachments": {
      "started": "2022-05-20T14:47:47.373Z",
      "input": [[1, 2, 3]],
      "status": "errored",
      "state": {
        "index": 0,
        "output": {
          "1": "file1.jpg",
          "2": "file2.jpg"
      "finished": "2022-05-20T14:47:47.374Z"
  "error": "Failed processing id: 2",
  "finished": "2022-05-20T14:47:47.374Z"

Node Types

There are three node types: work, branching, and suspension.


Work node types are the default node type. You can specify them with type set to work or leave that off and it will be assumed. The examples above only contain work nodes.


A node with type set to branching allows for branching logic where the node must return a dependent branch name using the branch fn or return none() explicitly. An optional reason can be set and will be stamped on the snapshot. If a branch name is returned that is invalid an error will be thrown.

In the example spec below running the topology with initial data set to { email: '' } will result in the qualified node being run and the notQualified and removeCandidate nodes being skipped. The last parameter for branch and none is the optional reason.

const branchingSpec: Spec = {
  // Simulate DB lookup by email
  lookup: {
    deps: [],
    run: async ({ data }) => {
      const email = data[0]?.email
      if (email === '') {
        return {
          yearsOfExperience: 5,
          currentEmployer: 'GovSpend',
          email: '',
      if (email === '') {
        return {
          yearsOfExperience: 3,
          currentEmployer: 'Microsoft',
          email: '',
  // Branch based on output from previous node
  determineIfQualified: {
    deps: ['lookup'],
    type: 'branching',
    run: ({ data, branch, none }) => {
      const { email, yearsOfExperience } = data[0] || {}
      if (email) {
        if (yearsOfExperience > 3) {
          return branch('qualified', 'more than 3 years experience')
        return branch('notQualified')
      return none('email not found')
  qualified: {
    deps: ['determineIfQualified'],
    run: async () => {
      // Simulate sending a thank you email
      await timers.setTimeout(100)
  notQualified: {
    deps: ['determineIfQualified'],
    run: async () => {
      // Simulate sending a not qualified email
      await timers.setTimeout(100)
  removeCandidate: {
    deps: ['notQualified'],
    run: async () => {
      // Simulate DB call
      await timers.setTimeout(100)


Sometimes you need to suspend a topology and wait for an event or an extended period of time to elapse. A node with type set to suspension can be used in these scenarios. The run function is asynchronous so you can make a database call or whatever. All dependent nodes of the suspension node will have a status of suspended after it completes.

When resumption of a topology occurs the dependents of the suspended node will be executed.

In the example below there is a human authorization step that must take place before the topology can complete. This could be the result of an HTML form input that triggers a backend call to execute resumeTopology(suspensionSpec, snapshot).

const suspensionSpec: Spec = {
  input: { deps: [], type: 'work', run: async () => 'Southern California' },
  lookupA: {
    deps: ['input'],
    type: 'work',
    run: async () => ({
      creditScore: 750,
  lookupB: {
    deps: ['input'],
    type: 'work',
    run: async () => ({ risk: 'low' }),
  authorization: {
    deps: ['lookupA', 'lookupB'],
    type: 'suspension',
  email: {
    deps: ['authorization'],
    type: 'work',
    run: async () => ({
      success: true,

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