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1.1.1 • Public • Published



Microservice for handling notifications to users through real time notifications, email, or SMS.


npm i notification-services


  • Create a new nodejs/reactjs Application (If you don't have one already)
  • Install the notification service npm i notification-services.


Setup connection

  • There are three arguments to pass in mailConfig function.

  • Email Notifications with SMTP -

    • Pass type: 'smtp' as the first argument of mailConfig function.
    • Pass second argument as an object having the corresponding host, user and pass for you SMTP server.
    • Third argument is the callback function to get the response back.
    • callback will return a transport as a response along with the message that whether the connection is setup or not.
    mailConfig('smtp', {
      host: process.env.SMTP_HOST,
      user: process.env.USER,
      pass: process.env.PASS,
    }, callback);
  • Email Notifications with SES -

    • Pass type: 'ses' as the first argument of mailConfig function.
    • Pass second argument as an object having the corresponding awsAccessId, awsAccessKey, region and apiVersion for you SES server.
    • Third argument is the callback function to get the response back.
    mailConfig('smtp', {
      awsAccessId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_ID,
      awsAccessKey: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY,
      region: process.env.REGION,
      apiVersion: process.env.API_VERSION
    }, callback);

Send Mail

  • There are four arguments to pass in sendMail function.
  • The first argument is transport which was returned from the mailConfig function.
  • Then pass mailOptions as the second argument. mailOptions include from, to, cc, bcc, subject, text, html, and attachments.
  • Third argument is isTemplate which is a boolean that whether you are using any template as mail body.
  • Fourth and last argument is the callback function to get the response back.
   data: {
   from, // sender address
   to, // list of receivers
   cc?, // list of cc
   bcc?, // list of bcc
   subject?, // Subject line
   text?, // plain text body
   html?, // html body
   attachments?: {
         filename?: string | false;
         cid?: string;
         encoding?: string;
         contentType?: string;
         contentTransferEncoding?: '7bit' | 'base64' | 'quoted-printable' | false;
         contentDisposition?: 'attachment' | 'inline';
         headers?: Headers;
         raw?: string | Buffer | Readable | {
                                               content?: string | Buffer | Readable;
                                               path?: string | Url;

If isTemplate is false, the sendMail funtion will send the mail to the respective recievers with the body of mail provided in the data. But if isTemplate is true, the sendMail will return an email of type (Email) which can be used to send mail as follows:

    .then((response: any) => {
    .catch((error: any) => {

In the above code, the template is the name of template which you are using and the locals are the variables which were there in the template. For more information on email.send function refer email-templates (npm)


  • There are three arguments to pass in SMSSend function.

  • SMS Notifications with Gupshup -

    • Pass type: 'gupshup' as the first argument of SMSSend function.
    • Pass second argument as an object having the configurations: appid, apiKey, to and message.
    • Third argument is the callback function to get the response back.
    SMSSend('gupshup', {
      appid: process.env.APP_ID,
      apiKey: process.env.API_KEY,
      to, // recievers
      message, // notification to be sent in SMS
    }, callback);
  • SMS Notifications with Fast2sms -

    • Pass type: 'fast2sms' as the first argument of SMSSend function.
    • Pass second argument as an object having the configurations: senderID, apiKey, fast2smsRoute, to and message.
    • Third argument is the callback function to get the response back.
    SMSSend('fast2sms', {
      fast2smsRoute: process.env.FAST_2_SMS_ROUTE,
      apiKey: process.env.API_KEY,
      senderID: process.env.SENDER_ID,
      to, // recievers
      message, // notification to be sent in SMS
    }, callback);
  • SMS Notifications with Messagebird -

    • Pass type: 'messagebird' as the first argument of SMSSend function.
    • Pass second argument as an object having the corresponding from, apiKey, to and message for you SMTP server.
    • Third argument is the callback function to get the response back.
    SMSSend('messagebird', {
      from, // sender's name
      apiKey: process.env.API_KEY,
      to, // recievers
      message, // notification to be sent in SMS
    }, callback);
  • SMS Notifications with Twilio -

    • Pass type: 'twilio' as the first argument of SMSSend function.
    • Pass second argument as an object having the corresponding twilioAccountSid, twilioAuthToken, to and message for you SMTP server.
    • Third argument is the callback function to get the response back.
    SMSSend('twilio', {
      twilioAccountSid: process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID,
      twilioAuthToken: process.env.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN,
      from, // sender's name
      to, // recievers
      message, // notification to be sent in SMS
    }, callback);

Custom Notification:

  • There are two arguments to pass in sendCustomNotification function.
  • Pass options as the first argument. options include serverKey, title, text and fcm_tokens.
  • Second argument is the callback function to get the response back.
  serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
  title, // title of notification
  text, // content
  fcm_tokens, // recievers' fcm tokens
}, callback);
  • Start the application npm start

API Documentation

Common Headers

Content-Type: application/json in the response and in request if the API method is NOT GET

Common Responses

200: Successful Response. Response body varies w.r.t API 401: Unauthorized: The JWT token is missing or invalid 403: Forbidden : Not allowed to execute the concerned API 404: Entity Not Found 400: Bad Request (Error message varies w.r.t API) 201: No content: Empty Response



API's Details

Visit the Abstraction Layer

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  • arachnomesh