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5.2.0 • Public • Published


Static ffmpeg binaries for macOS, Linux, Windows.

Supports macOS (64-bit and arm64), Linux (32 and 64-bit, armhf, arm64), Windows (32 and 64-bit). The ffmpeg version currently used is 6.0.

npm version minimum Node.js version

Note: The version of ffmpeg-static follows SemVer. When releasing new versions, we do not consider breaking changes in ffmpeg itself, but only the JS interface (see below). For example, ffmpeg-static@4.5.0 might download ffmpeg 5.0. To prevent an ffmpeg-static upgrade downloading backwards-incompatible ffmpeg versions, use a strict version range for it or use a lockfile.

Also check out node-ffmpeg-installer!


$ npm install ffmpeg-static

Note: During installation, it will download the appropriate ffmpeg binary from the b6.0 GitHub release. Use and distribution of the binary releases of ffmpeg are covered by their respective license.

Custom binaries url

By default, the ffmpeg binary will get downloaded from https://github.com/eugeneware/ffmpeg-static/releases/download. To customise this, e.g. when using a mirror, set the FFMPEG_BINARIES_URL environment variable.

export FFMPEG_BINARIES_URL=https://cdn.npmmirror.com/binaries/ffmpeg-static
npm install ffmpeg-static

Electron & other cross-platform packaging tools

Because ffmpeg-static will download a binary specific to the OS/platform, you need to purge node_modules before (re-)packaging your app for a different OS/platform (read more in #35).

Example Usage

Returns the path of a statically linked ffmpeg binary on the local filesystem.

const pathToFfmpeg = require('ffmpeg-static')
// /Users/j/playground/node_modules/ffmpeg-static/ffmpeg

Check the example script for a more thorough example.

Sources of the binaries

The binaries downloaded by ffmpeg-static are from these locations:

Show your support

This npm package includes statically linked binaries that are produced by the following individuals. Please consider supporting and donating to them who have been providing quality binary builds for many years:

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npm i ffmpeg-static

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  • noblesamurai
  • eugeneware
  • jacob-samurai
  • derhuerst