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1.1.1 • Public • Published

Custom Elements Manifest Deprecator

This package is designed to provide a mechanism to deprecate items in your the Custom Elements Manifest.

The standard approach is to use the @deprecated tag in the JSDoc descriptions.

 * @deprecated This deprecates the class
class MyElement extends HTMLElement {
  /** @deprecated This deprecates the property */
  deprecatedProperty = "some value";

The problem is that you can't add it to other elements with JSDoc tags.

 * @attr {boolean} disabled - disables the element
 * @csspart bar - Styles the color of bar
 * @slot - This is a default/unnamed slot
 * @slot container - You can put some elements here
 * @cssprop --text-color - Controls the color of foo
 * @prop {boolean} prop1 - some description
 * @fires custom-event - some description for custom-event
 * @event {MyEventDetail} typed-custom-event - some description for typed-custom-event
class MyElement extends HTMLElement {}

This plugin allows you to deprecate these JSDoc elements using the (@deprecated) string (or one of your choosing). Without wrapping it in the parenthesis, it will deprecate the class instead of the JSDoc element.

 * @attr {boolean} disabled - (@deprecated) disables the element
 * @csspart bar - (@deprecated) Styles the color of bar
 * @slot - (@deprecated) This is a default/unnamed slot
 * @slot container - (@deprecated) You can put some elements here
 * @cssprop --text-color - (@deprecated) Controls the color of foo
 * @prop {boolean} prop1 - (@deprecated) some description
 * @fires custom-event - (@deprecated) some description for custom-event
 * @event {MyEventDetail} typed-custom-event - (@deprecated) some description for typed-custom-event
class MyElement extends HTMLElement {}

Feel free to test it out in this demo environment.


This package includes two ways to generate an updated Custom Elements Manifest:

  1. calling a function in your build pipeline
  2. as a plugin for the Custom Element Manifest Analyzer.


npm i -D custom-elements-manifest-deprecator

Build Pipeline

import { updateCemDeprecations } from "custom-elements-manifest-deprecator";
import manifest from "./path/to/custom-elements.json";

const options = {...};

updateCemDeprecations(manifest, options);

CEM Analyzer


Ensure the following steps have been taken in your component library prior to using this plugin:


// custom-elements-manifest.config.js

import { cemInheritancePlugin } from "custom-elements-manifest-deprecator";

const options = {
  /* add options here */

export default {
  plugins: [cemDeprecatorPlugin(options)],


There are a number of configurations you can apply to customize the output for your components.

interface Options {
  /** The value used to indicate an element is deprecated - default is "(@deprecated)" */
  indicator?: string;
  /** When `true` the indicator will be included in the final description - default is `false` */
  preserveIndicator?: boolean;
  /** Name of the updated CEM file - default is "custom-elements.json" */
  fileName?: string;
  /** Path to output directory */
  outdir?: string;
  /** Class names of any components you would like to exclude from inheritance */
  exclude?: string[];
  /** Hides logs produced by the plugin */
  hideLogs?: boolean;
  /** Prevents plugin from executing */
  skip?: boolean;


This value is used to indicate whether the tag element is deprecated. The default value is "(@deprecated)", but you can set this to whatever value you would like - "retired", '@legacy', etc.

Preserve Indicator

When the indicator is found in a description, it will remove the value from the string (similar to the default @deprecated tag behavior). If you would like to keep the indicator in the description, you can se the preserveIndicator property to true.

fileName and outdir

If you would like to add your updated Custom Elements Manifest to a specific location in your project, you can use the fileName and outdir setting for that. Otherwise, the updated manifest will be default location - ./custom-elements.json.

NOTE: If you are using the CEM Analyzer, you do not need to set these options. It will allow the analyzer to handle it based on your configuration.


If there are any classes you would like to exclude from inheritance, you can specify the class names here in a string array.

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npm i custom-elements-manifest-deprecator

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