TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.10.0 • Public • Published


NPM Version

Note: THIS project is still under development. Please do not use it in production.

What is it for?

With auto-media-type, you can complete the missing media type for any data. It works in modern JavaScript runtimes. Thanks for all great polyfill and bundler contributors.

We've provided a simple API for you. You can obtain auto-media-type from NPM. Please see the section How to Obtain.

Try Our Demo

  • [(WIP)]

Links for You

How to Obtain

auto-media-type provides an NPM package. You can install it with your favorite package managers, and then bundle it into your project.

Package Manager Command Shorthand
bun bun install auto-media-type bun i auto-media-type
npm npm install auto-media-type npm i auto-media-type
pnpm pnpm install auto-media-type pnpm i auto-media-type
yarn yarn add auto-media-type yarn add auto-media-type

Our Competitors, or Alternatives

It depends on your use cases. You can choose one of them.


Let's Learn How to Use It

  • [Guide (WIP)]
// Work In Progress

Let's Setup the Project

Note: THIS section is for contributors and developers only

Recommended IDE Setup for You

See What Dependencies We Are Using

See What Commands We Are Using

Package Manager Command Script Description
bun / npm / pnpm install Install dependencies
bun / npm / pnpm run build Build the library for production
bun / npm / pnpm run check Check the codes with TypeScript
bun / npm / pnpm run dev-build Build the library for development
bun / npm / pnpm run dev-test Run tests in watch mode
bun / npm / pnpm run format Format codes using Prettier
bun / npm / pnpm run test Run tests

Be Aware of These Details

You may encounter some problems during development and deployment. Please read the following notes carefully.

  1. (WIP)

Package Sidebar


npm i auto-media-type

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50.5 kB

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Last publish


  • asherjingkongchen