TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.1.4 • Public • Published


Rust-like Option for TypeScript

npm i @hazae41/option

Node Package 📦


Current features

  • 100% TypeScript and ESM
  • No external dependencies
  • Similar to Rust
  • unwrap() for throwing
  • unwrapOr() for default value
  • map() for mapping (sync/async)
  • isSome()/isNone() type guards
  • ok()/okOr() for converting to Result from @hazae41/result


TLDR undefined is too low level and often leads to ugly and repetitive design patterns or bugs

When designing a function, you often encounter the case where you can't pass undefined.

function doSomething(text: string) {
  return Buffer.from(text, "utf8").toString("base64")
function bigFunction(text?: string) {
  // ...

  doSomething(text) // what if text is undefined?

  // ...

So you end up checking for undefined

Checking in the caller

function bigFunction(text?: string) {
  // ...

  if (text !== undefined) {
  // ...

This is annoying if we want to get the returned value

function bigFunction(text?: string) {
  // ...
  if (text !== undefined) {
    const text2 = doSomething(text)

  // can't use text2

Checks become redundant if you need to map the value or throw an error

function bigFunction(text?: string) {
  // ...
  const text2 = text === undefined
    ? undefined
    : doSomething(text)

  // ...

  const text3 = text2 === undefined
    ? undefined
    : doSomethingElse(text2)

  // ...

  if (text3 === undefined) 
    throw new Error(`something is wrong`)
  // use text3

Checking in the callee

Why not check for undefined in the callee then?

function maybeDoSomething(text?: string) {
  if (text === undefined) return

  return Buffer.from(text, "utf8").toString("base64")

If you know your argument is NOT undefined, it will force you to check for undefined after the call

function bigFunction(text: string) {
  // ...
  const text2 = doSomething(text) // text is never undefined

  // text2 can now be undefined

Or even worse, force you to use type assertion

function bigFunction(text: string) {
  // ...
  const text2 = doSomething(text) as string

  // ...

Checking in an intermediary

Let's keep the original function and create an intermediary function for undefined

function maybeDoSomething(text?: string) {
  if (text === undefined) return

  return doSomething(text)

Now you have twice the amount of function in your app, and if one of them changes you have to change its intermediary function too

Using Option

function bigFunction(text?: string) {
  const maybeText = Option.from(text)

  // ...
  // you want to map it?
  const maybeText2 = maybeText.mapSync(doSomething)

  // ...

  // you want to map it again?
  const maybeText3 = maybeText2.mapSync(doSomethingElse)

  // ...

  // you want to quickly throw an error?
  const text4 = maybeText3.unwrap() // string

  // you want to throw a custom error?
  const text4 = maybeText3.okOr(new Error(`Something is wrong`)).unwrap()

  // you want to get a result?
  const text4 = maybeText3.ok() // Result<string, Error>

  // you want to get a custom result?
  const text4 = maybeText3.okOr(new Error(`Something is wrong`))
  // you want to come back to "string | undefined"?
  const text4 = maybeText3.inner // string | undefined

  // you want to do manual check?
  if (maybeText3.isSome())
    const text4 = maybeText3.inner // string
    // ...

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  • hazae41